Haven't ever really thought about it...I usually just have a list of random things on the go or in the back of my mind...
Here goes from the top of my head...
1. Be happy and content and at peace
2. Experience so many different cultures by travelling all over the world - including living in a remote Asian village for at least three months, climbing more mountains and establishing an orphanage in Nepal.
3. Meet someone that I adore and adores me and have two children (and parent them well) and a mortgage.
4. Learn and be fluent in at least one other language as well as learn about world history (get some culture into me...

5. Continue to create and maintain wonderful relationships in my life with others.
6. Run in a 10km race - just to say that I finished.
7. Develop an artistic side and learn to draw/paint/sew/design my own tattoo's....something!!! And be good at it.
8. Live in a commune for awhile in the country in Australia and live much more self sufficiently.
9. Find a job that I am happy in and I do well at...
10. Die before I lose my mobility/faculties so I can go in peace and without ongoing suffering.... (morbid I know but part of the life cycle)
Wow...looking at those - they are all relatively 'run of the mill' when you read everyone else's but just thinking about what I am consciously doing now to fulfil those? Some of them but not doing too much towards them at the moment. Are people here feeling like they are actually working towards what they would like to do?