:) :) 2 way speakers 300w


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South London innit !!
:) :) :)
I have 2 Jamo Gale force 35 to sell
long term 200 w
short term 300w
Impedance 4-8 ohm
Wooden cabinet from denmark
Ideal for parties, as new. I only used them at home and as you know if you live in a house with some other people you can't raise the volume... so they are impecable...

Selling the pair for £250 you can see them and hear them in south london
Give me a ring or leave a message/text
07961281777 Paul
ya it's right

But the thing is that im selling them for £250
Now i'll go down to £200
but if you check these speakers as new they are worth more that £250
And if someone is selling them for 100 it does not matter cause they are desperated and i'm not........ it's worth the 200 don't you think??? have you ever tryed them???? thats the thing