a slice of psy

Huw mate, thats sounding excellent! What dya use?
Shit, i wish i was at that stage, got a nice beat going there. Nice one Huw.

thanks for all the feedback so far guys :wub:

kev i use sx2, cs2x, and a buncha plugins :)
thanks tom!

my current fave synths are albino2 and z3ta. tau2 is the way for basslines in my humble opinion :) also have a cs2x, but is used solely for midi control these days. should really use it for sounds too, as it's capable of nice things with a bit of work!

I want to hear more. I want to play it at a party right here in Germany. I want to see if I'm right when I say your tune will push peeps to another dimension.

Keep on groovin', mate, keep on groovin'.

PS: virtual syntz or real touchable stuff?
albino, z3ta+ and tau2 are all virtual.

opia, does tau2 share tau/tau pro's really long release time, or can you control it now?

well it has a decay knob wot you can set as low as you like :) no long release afaik :)

tom, thank you for your kind words! i'll send you a copy as soon as it's done :sun:
ive just discovered the tau aswell. after thinking it was bollox for ages cause the velocity didnt work for me, i realised all i had to do was resample the sound into the esx and now i have a seriously nice, controlable bass sound! its so sweet, i lluuuuurve it soooo much :wub:

tunes sounding kiking btw! keep at it!

chris H said:
after thinking it was bollox for ages cause the velocity didnt work for me

The Tau (and its progeny) is and has always been an gorgeous sounding, yet infuriatingly accurate 303 workalike.

I say infuriating because the original 303 only had two velocity settings (normal and accent), and as a rule didn't play notes any shorter than 1/16th - hence an accurate 303 emulation will have a what seems to be a maddeningly long release time if you're trying to use it for a fast full-on style bassline.

My workaround (shorter note times, and I can get by with two velocity settings on the songs I'm using it on) suited me better because I'm forever twiddling with my bass sounds, but once you've got the sound you're looking for out of it, Chris's one will make the sound more immediately versatile.

phatt. Kick and Bass sound nice and warm. But still mean!
At the mo im enjoying key changes in basslines in some recent psy tracks, not sayin that thats the way to go but i can kinda hear it there (in my own way).
Just my lil opinion there for ya!
opia said:
tom, thank you for your kind words! i'll send you a copy as soon as it's done :sun:

Not kind but true *slime
I wait impatiently for the copy. Next official gig I have in september. Till this time I'm on several "unofficial" parties. Maybe one of them could be in the UK but there I will not spin records. But it could be an opportunity where I can meet you. :) or I pm you my details if needed.
Cya, Tom
paradice said:
phatt. Kick and Bass sound nice and warm. But still mean!
At the mo im enjoying key changes in basslines in some recent psy tracks, not sayin that thats the way to go but i can kinda hear it there (in my own way).
Just my lil opinion there for ya!

key changes.. :huh: can't stand em :lol:

tom, i'm sure we'll meet soon enough.. i guess i'll have to keep a cd of my stuff around at all times huh ;)
