M mushroom_moonbeam_man Junior Members Messages 24 Reaction score 0 Sep 13, 2004 #1 My name is mushroom moonbeam man, and I really like biscuits. Do you like biscuits? I am sleeping with orchadelic.
My name is mushroom moonbeam man, and I really like biscuits. Do you like biscuits? I am sleeping with orchadelic.
orchidelic a psychedelic flower Messages 898 Reaction score 0 Location surrey Sep 13, 2004 #2 No you are not.
M mushroom_moonbeam_man Junior Members Messages 24 Reaction score 0 Sep 13, 2004 #3 !! Well not at this actual moment, no.
Psychedelic Acid Fairy Meep Messages 5,374 Reaction score 0 Sep 13, 2004 #4 Spiders like biscuits. And tea
M mushroom_moonbeam_man Junior Members Messages 24 Reaction score 0 Sep 13, 2004 #5 spiders I don't like spiders :sad: but I am indifferent towards tea.
orchidelic a psychedelic flower Messages 898 Reaction score 0 Location surrey Sep 13, 2004 #6 Not at this actual moment, Not at any moment. Hmm, getting you to join this forum was obviously a bad idea. I see that now.
Not at this actual moment, Not at any moment. Hmm, getting you to join this forum was obviously a bad idea. I see that now.
M mushroom_moonbeam_man Junior Members Messages 24 Reaction score 0 Sep 13, 2004 #7 What are those white things sticking out of your head?
orchidelic a psychedelic flower Messages 898 Reaction score 0 Location surrey Sep 13, 2004 #8 I don't know, what are those strange white things sticking out of my head?
D dave arc-i Guest Sep 13, 2004 #9 Is this twenty questions? If so...... Animal, vegatable or mineral?
D dave arc-i Guest Sep 13, 2004 #11 assumed that without saying... was thinking more of the white things sticking out of orchidelic's head
assumed that without saying... was thinking more of the white things sticking out of orchidelic's head
RezN8 Ave it !!!!!! Messages 1,093 Reaction score 16 Location St. Ubbington, Ampshire 🔊 Sep 13, 2004 #12 :welcome: mushroom_moonbeam_man, have an indiferent pint instead :drinking:
psychedelvic Forum Member Messages 8,174 Reaction score 561 Sep 14, 2004 #13 hey there, welcome to the forum :shrooms: :shrooms: :shrooms:
Moodle Mindzai Messages 1,012 Reaction score 0 Location I follow me dancing shoes! Sep 14, 2004 #14 :welcome: sounds like you'll fit it round ere then! :runsmile: LOL Moodle x
ange Junior Members Messages 118 Reaction score 0 Location north wales Sep 14, 2004 #15 Did someone say "biscuits"?? Yes please, I'll have one of those plain chocolate coated ones on the plate over there ---------------------------------------> On second thoughts I might as well take two while I'm here.
Did someone say "biscuits"?? Yes please, I'll have one of those plain chocolate coated ones on the plate over there ---------------------------------------> On second thoughts I might as well take two while I'm here.
oOemmaOo hello Messages 8,014 Reaction score 0 Location Brizzle Sep 14, 2004 #16 :welcome: to you slightly scary :shrooms: moonbeam man pull up a duvet and get comfy :drinking:
Gibbonflux Boom Boom Boom Messages 2,703 Reaction score 6 Location Guildford Sep 15, 2004 #17 :drinking: :welcome: :smokingr:
T The Scarlet Pimpernel Junior Members Messages 91 Reaction score 0 Sep 15, 2004 #18 ?????????????????????????????????
M mushroom_moonbeam_man Junior Members Messages 24 Reaction score 0 Sep 18, 2004 #19 Gibbonflux Gibbonflux is God. Don't be fooled by the hoody.
umberleigh Killing the scene Messages 1,840 Reaction score 22 Location Brighton Sep 21, 2004 #20 Did someone say biscuits? I have a stack of post party HobNobs right next to me. yumyumyum.