Black Triangles... anybody seen one?


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One flew low over my village on 13th Feb 2018 and I reported it to Mufon.
I've had their 'last 20 reports' page open on my phone ever since :Laugh1:

There's rarely anything convincing, usually just pics and vids of a bright dot in the sky which doesn't provide any useful evidence, but occasionally, a good pic emerges...

Here's three I thought looked good, what d'ya reckon....

You can look up the case description on the Mufon site, using the case number in the link.. ie.. 105868 for the first one.

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wow, that sounds an interesting experience.

It was pretty well established that the black triangles seen in the US were classified US aircraft.

Probs the UK have that technology now..............perhaps?
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Yeah, the reports are that they're silent, can travel very slowly and hover.... I guess we'll find out eventually, we always do in the end.
But is it anti gravity tech... superconductors were all over the news 25-30 yrs ago, then it all went pretty quiet...
Have they cracked another milestone barrier in Physics..
Thats the problem with classified military technology - hard to get any info on it.

Have you heard of Bob Lazar? The real story behind his invented story is quite interesting as it exposes the US dabbling in technology that they shouldnt have been dabbling in. Thats why he has to keep up his alien tech bonk, cos the truth is far more dodgy, and if he drops his alien line he is probably dead.
Yeah, I read two of Timothy Good's books, Above top secret, and Alien liaison, and I've seen varying reports about Bob Lazar over the years.
He's def a clever chap... he built himself a jet propelled car when he was about 20... mad scientist type...
I'm itching to find out more... did it start with the Nazi bell, taken back to the States with project Paperclip.. the development of all the prototypes up to the present craft...
As a kid, it was all jet's and high reconnaissance stuff in the cold war, but now we have all that interesting stuff in the public arena, which I find fascinating still. I hope we find out all this anti gravity stuff in my lifetime...
That's a good read TJ.. cheers.. Lazar's veracity was always in doubt, but that clarifies it nicely :Smile3:
i didn't know his 'jet car' was such a low tech thing.... 'jet car' sounds good, but the most basic jet engine IS a very simple thing.
He sounds like a techy, like me, so I can understand him building strange projects, I used to make stuff with my mad techy mate, Robbo, but Lazar over reached, and stretched the truth to breaking point lol...

And his other articles are good too... much more believable and informed..
The Black Triangles one makes sense... Bistatic radar.
I got the impression that the one I saw was a rigid airship, flat, and triangular, with some sort of propulsion system at the back, which would fit his article better than an exotic anti gravity craft.
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i just found out that bob lazar was running a brothel at the same time as he was supposed to be working at S4, and that he was also running a second illegal brothel at the same time, which he went to court over!

I dont know about anyone else, but running 2 brothels at the same time as supposedly working on anti-gravity alien tech at s4 seems like too many finger pies for my boggle threshold to bear.
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