

Junior Members
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Sunshine Coast
G'day all you uk types!
Having a good summer doofing season?

Just recovering from a good bush doof here.
Another on tomorrow night (whew i dont know if i can stand it!).

Hey this looks just like oztrance.
Catch ya

Your bestest pal
Turbo- :D
hey mate!!

someone else from qld here!cooooool...u comin to spacetribe 2morrow...its going rock...cant wait to get the dancein shoes out... :)
Thats the one!
Ah i am still thinking about it but my mates all piked out so....
I just said that i wasnt going but polysonic do such a great job and i wanted to see Nexus Crawler.
I am known to change my mind!
Might b there!
Hiya matey big welcome.....met in the shoutbox earlier....I now have an image of Koalas being blown out of trees with a huge rig lol.....

You'll like it here :)
Big huge hellos and welcomes to you!

mag die son op jou kop skyn :sun:

= hope you have a lovely time here!