Breakbeat psy ?


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Deep Hampshire
Manny with the top hat? if so thanks for the lager mate :P

i heard a bit of psychedelic breakbeat last week at organized kaos, in a white tent, so i know it can be done

good luck :D

u know psyburbia???

Listen to this if u dont
Psyburbia - interstellar mushroom(black hole) === Album === ;)
i have posted this on the track/mix section of the site but feel free to listen to my interpretation of psy breaks:

and if you have time:

And i have thought about psy-breaks a lot and even though your track is nice to listen to dont you think that like psy trance, psy breaks or breakbeat psy (which ever you may wish to call it) has to have the same impact as what psy trance will have on the dance floor?

I beleive it needs to have bollox, and i have been working to get my tracks that way. Your track is cool and i like the drum edits, reminds me of the time when (and i still do somtimes) i used to make drum and bass and amazingly you seem to have kept a very old skool feel!

Im no way saying you should change your style but to me it would be very intresting to know what another persons view on this is!

I like your track but please tell me (pm me if you wish) what you think of my stuff, never know i maybe up for a little collabaration!

Keep up the gd work boss.
yeah..psyburia good.....

also...galaxy (blue room), total eclipse - access denied, deviant electronics (both albums).....very good...... (symbiosis recs) and some old tristan trax (possibly on aquatec)

also....some stuff on matusri and off course eat static do a man line in psychedelic breakbeat stuff

jesus.....i know some really pointless info......*gets coat and leaves to sort old vinyl into label and then alphabetical order* :wizard1:

there's more than one deviant electronics psybreaks album?

all i ever found was "blunt instruments" (masterpiece of the genre) and some really ancient stuff that was basically very primitive goa and not even very engaging primitive goa at that.

am i missing something?
paradice said:
i have posted this on the track/mix section of the site but feel free to listen to my interpretation of psy breaks:

and if you have time:

And i have thought about psy-breaks a lot and even though your track is nice to listen to dont you think that like psy trance, psy breaks or breakbeat psy (which ever you may wish to call it) has to have the same impact as what psy trance will have on the dance floor?

I beleive it needs to have bollox, and i have been working to get my tracks that way. Your track is cool and i like the drum edits, reminds me of the time when (and i still do somtimes) i used to make drum and bass and amazingly you seem to have kept a very old skool feel!

Im no way saying you should change your style but to me it would be very intresting to know what another persons view on this is!

I like your track but please tell me (pm me if you wish) what you think of my stuff, never know i maybe up for a little collabaration!

Keep up the gd work boss.

thank you so much, i am now off to do my homework..

by the way paradice, i love the synths you use they are phat :)
If you live near surrey i would love to meet some psy-dudes and dudets to share and bounce ideas off...

thank you all keep it coming :)

manny. (without the top hat sorry:))
soliptic said:
there's more than one deviant electronics psybreaks album?

all i ever found was "blunt instruments" (masterpiece of the genre) and some really ancient stuff that was basically very primitive goa and not even very engaging primitive goa at that.

am i missing something?

nah its probably the same stuff, he released ab album a few years b4 blunt instruments ona random brighton based goa label (can't remember the naem). its more goa with breaks style breaks in it.

i quite liked it though...although now when you listen to it it sounds dated...then again you can say that about a lot of old psy/goa
Hmm nice track :) Has quite a Psychadelic DnB feel slightly more than breaks but its good to hear some stuff like this ... Im heard far too many cut n paste 4x4 sine pulses and its good to see folk exploring drum programming :D

paradice said:
iAnd i have thought about psy-breaks a lot and even though your track is nice to listen to dont you think that like psy trance, psy breaks or breakbeat psy (which ever you may wish to call it) has to have the same impact as what psy trance will have on the dance floor?

Yeah its doesnt really bang in the beats dept but I dont see why it couldnt be slipped in a set - its definitely very psychadelic :) Quite a nice change from the usual actaully !

paradice said:
i have posted this on the track/mix section of the site but feel free to listen to my interpretation of psy breaks:

and if you have time:

Nice tunes too :) These sound a lot more breaksy and bass heavy
Its a shame I dont hear more of this stuff played out at psy nights really :/ [roll on glade !]

keep up the good work peeps :)

im a bit of a un-webby type! does that mean cool? :?

all these emoticons are too much for poor me!

please do enlighten me on this mystery.

I ask what
Missing-Link said:
means. Oh having amatures around somtimes is a pain! (i am sorry tho!) :D
whilst im at it what does IMO mean? I havent the foggeiest.
I'm trying to listen to the tunes as I type but my connexion is crap and I may not hear it all. But I wanted to say that I've tried out the psybreaks thing too - on a project with Lazytom. I got a bit stuck with some parts of the tune though it still rocks. I'll try and post it up on someone else's internet connection soon as I'd love to hear your opinions.
I think the concept of psybreaks has a lot of potential. There seem to be so many people that are really into psy music and the scene, and yet are bored or frustrated by the 4-4 beat. Such a beat might be important or even crucial to psytrance in the sense of what the genre has become, but is not in any way crucial to the notion of psychedelia or even psychedelic dance music, so why does it dominate?
I'm not the first to ask this question but I still haven't found an answer that satisfies.
Good effort to those that try to break the trend! :speaker:
I've listened to most of your tune now Missing Link and it's got some potential. I like to gurgling synths that sits underneath the melodies. I agree with some of the comments above though, the beats need to be phatter and more dramatic. I would try and minimise what goes on top and concentrate on getting a good atmosphere and groove between your psy synths and the breaks/bass which root it in breakbeat.
Keep working on it!

Rorymonster said:
I think the concept of psybreaks has a lot of potential. There seem to be so many people that are really into psy music and the scene, and yet are bored or frustrated by the 4-4 beat. Such a beat might be important or even crucial to psytrance in the sense of what the genre has become, but is not in any way crucial to the notion of psychedelia or even psychedelic dance music, so why does it dominate?
I'm not the first to ask this question but I still haven't found an answer that satisfies.
Good effort to those that try to break the trend! :speaker:

First of all, I do not think that psybreaks is a concept, its just another silly label.
Second...things move on...someone broke a trend a few years back when they invented music that uses this minimal boom boom pattern. People get bored of the same thing no matter how good it is. Breakbeat is 4/4 really, just a snare on the 2 and 4 instead of another kick.
4/4 dominates because that's what most people have experienced till the first time they be on the dancefloor when there is belting psychoactive breakbeat music...give them time ;)
I don't care whether its 4/4 or broken beats, as long as it is psychoactive funkadelic music, its all good.

Sowhat would you like to call psytrance that has breakbeat elements? Psytrance? or breakbeat? or is psytrance and breakbeat just silly labels and the best way to describe the music rather than call it psytrance or breakbeat is say, it goes thump thump thump or du cheee..duchee?

im not dissin u, but somtimes musical styles need naming for us to identify with it.

psybreaks is a name I, Missing-Link and anyone else, thought was appropiate for this particular style without saying its anything else.

Sorry mate but wre only trying to do what we feel is right!
i have only began to listen to psy last year whe i met Dark Angel (Barclay) and i really like it, the only thing i listend too that came close was goa and that was in 94 sice then acid techno and nu skool breaks was my main diet... but project Ozma was really good and the music made me :) im still new at the psy thing but i will try to take all of your comments on and improve....

thats all... and, what i am really trying to say is i do not know what to call it too.. psy / breakbeat i do not know, but its good to know that people are interested by it... :sun: