Brown's plan to end world poverty


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finally a politician coming to their senses and looking at the big picture? or a piece of political showboating to gain political weight from the disaster?

i couldn't give a f*uck either way, if it's more than just words and the g8 actually produces something of benefit to the world then more power to them. shame it takes a disaster of this magnitude to make people realise..
On the other hand, at least it's something.

Most politicians have been utterly refusing to acknowledge how much strife we cause with our punitive loan rates to poorer countries.

Whilst acknowledging that most politicians are weasels, ;) I'm with Joe on this one. Gordon Brown's been saying and *doing* things about 3rd world debt for some time now. (Well before the Tsunami, and before the UK chairmanship of the G8.)


I wonder how much his trip to africa will cost.. surely using the money to help people would be of more use.

something i often wonder about journalists - pointing their cameras at people suffering and talking about them, rather than actually *doing* anything.

having said that, at least they bring the plight of others to the attention of the world - and its not like me complaining about it'll help either :?