Butterfly News - Twisted Parameters By Kemic-Al FINALY HERE

Butterfly Records

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Label: Butterfly Records
Cat.No.: BTF 01
Format: CD
Distribution: Wirikuta - http://www.wirikuta.at office@wirikuta.at tel. + fax: +43 5234 66 071

Release date: Jan. 13-01-2005

Yes ONLY few days from today Twisted Parameters will on the shelves in the shops near you and off coarse also on any leading online shops from Wirikuta, Beatspace, Saikosounds etc.

We would like to draw your attention that this is a limited edition

We wish to thank all those friends who helped in any way Discovalley rec. Parvati rec. and friends from all over the world ...
Contrary to what many may be expecting of a trance artist, Twisted Parameters actually presents an alternate perspective of this global genre, largely revolving around the artist’s particular taste for sounds and rhythms as opposed to the formulaic synthesized (and swirling) prototype that gave trance its initial appeal. As such, Kemic-Al’s approach on this album has been to construct and develop all the sounds from scratch, straying from this ‘homegrown’ philosophy only where vocal samples are involved. The basis of the album was in fact constructed from mutated and manipulated percussive sounds, as most of the nine tracks here will attest. Aural accessorizing was in fact kept to a minimum, with the result that the music often dwells inside a dark area that owes as much to trance as it does to techno, with the common (and only connecting) factor being the hypnotic psychedelia-laced rhythms that Kemic-Al is clearly attached to. Of particular note here are the tracks Wake Up Call, whose nifty samples are a clear example of Kemic-Al’s favoured quote that ‘Sound is the art of seeing invisible things’; Klassic-Al, where musical interludes are meshed and fused together to great effect (and possibly the album’s most mainstream moment); and Batidas Por Minuto, whose warped sonic groove (subtly tinged, I thought, with a Liam Howlett electronic accent!) Psy-trance and psy-tech, apparently are the coined phrases for this brand of dance music, and indeed, there are elements here of both. Adding a third dimension to the album is closing track Z-Zora, which opts for a chilled approach to bring the feast of beats and rhythm mesh to a cinematic end! The parameters of the music may be twisted, but Kemic-Al nevertheless retains the spirit that gives this album its vitality!

And for additional info and samplse from the album please check out the links below




We also would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL a smashing new YEAR 2005 full of good health and positive ENERGY !!
and full of psychedelia !!!

See ya on the dance floor

Psychedelia & Evolution