I never liked Protomoto as a user name. Nobody ever called me that. Don't ask why I chose it.
It was really just a Prototype Mask Of Total Obscurity.... or maybe it was some other acronym. Anyway, I recently saw a billboard ad for Motorola, plugging a twistytop phone. "Rotomoto" it said, and that was too close for me. I'll even forego an avatar.
I have been called Squagnut
I like it
and I'll hopefully be performing on the psyscene under that name too (I juggle and stuff).
yeah yeah, same shit, different package...
It was really just a Prototype Mask Of Total Obscurity.... or maybe it was some other acronym. Anyway, I recently saw a billboard ad for Motorola, plugging a twistytop phone. "Rotomoto" it said, and that was too close for me. I'll even forego an avatar.
I have been called Squagnut


yeah yeah, same shit, different package...