Bye bye Protomoto - Hello Squagnut! :)


There's a gnu in my squat
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I never liked Protomoto as a user name. Nobody ever called me that. Don't ask why I chose it.

It was really just a Prototype Mask Of Total Obscurity.... or maybe it was some other acronym. Anyway, I recently saw a billboard ad for Motorola, plugging a twistytop phone. "Rotomoto" it said, and that was too close for me. I'll even forego an avatar.

I have been called Squagnut ;) I like it :D and I'll hopefully be performing on the psyscene under that name too (I juggle and stuff).

Hello :)

yeah yeah, same shit, different package...
welcome squagnut. hope your posts are more sensical and mature than that protomoto geezer
Well, he had to go, didn't he?

This way I get the joy of my postcount reaching 100 all over again :jump:
I don't mind one way or the other, Phaedra. I'll need to pop over to Mr Moto's account for any outstanding pm's - and believe me, I send and receive some really outstanding pm's ;) - but other than that, what's the diff, 'cept an avatar I can't change anyway? I don't care about postcounts, even if a high one makes me look dead trance.
I always liked your Protomoto avatar though, where's it gone?
I'm sorry to change that avatar too, Jon K. It's on a HD somewhere. The original is a 4'x4' UV painting by my ex, which is quite stunning - the eyes follow you about the room and all that. It's now hanging in a party-garage in West Cumbria. I just looked up Protomoto's profile, and it seems the avatar didn't survive the forum change.

Grok - holiday? I flippin' well wish!!

Psyder, a change is as good as a rest, and my name-change has been good to me so far. I used Protomoto once before on a board on which I didn't intend to stick around. Choose your username with care, or else yoy end up with hundreds of posts in a name you don't much care for.

Hiya Liz/crisps! Hey, thanks again for the Gmail account invite - that has been soooom useful, especially now that the storage has gone through the roof! Big hugglz for ya :D

Opia, we must spend another night in chat sometime ;) :D I still listen to that WIP tune - I reckon it should carry on as it does for another minute and thirty, then kick in with the doof-doof-doof.... no? Not a good idea? Aw :D