Lord Orgasmos
dose anyone here have any particular knowledge of cd decks? currently i have turntables, a pair of numark tt2s but im thinking of getting a cheap pair of cd decks when i have a bit of spare money. i cant afford to spend truckloasd, but i wanna get something reasonably decent if i do, and intermediate pair. im lookingt at the pioneer cdj-100s which ive heard are pretty good as entry level to top end gear. any1 have a pair? also would it be worth bumming for a pair of cheap onse (soemthing for 200 sqwuid a pair), id want seperae decks not those combination things- thing is i basically want something good enough to use for parties but not too expensive basically- the cheapest decent pro(ish) players.
do any of the other djs here use cds? if so u all using the 1000s (or whatever theyre called pioneers scracth capable players)
do any of the other djs here use cds? if so u all using the 1000s (or whatever theyre called pioneers scracth capable players)