CD's for sale/swap

Full Lotus

Hob Nob King
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I have the following old school classics for sale/swap:

Tip Blue Compilation
Prana - Cyclone (Matsuri Records) Japanese edition

PM me if interested.

I still have them, anyone? A couple of old classics :)
Well, Tip Blue may have a new owner soon, still have Prana available. I would swap it for something old that I don't have on CD like the Technossomy album or for a couple of new releases ;)
Tip Blue is taken, only the Prana album left.
Full Lotus said:
Technossomy album?? Send me a list

Might take me a few days to consolidate my archives....
Theyve been boxed up and unused for years..... <i dont really hold any sort of nostalgia towards originals....>
.... dont suppose anyone has an original of a various double cd on superstition records....???
Called ...<funnily enough>... ''Classics of Superstition''....
tis well old so i know its a long shot but mines all scratched despite it being my prize possession....
If i ever get hold of it again its getting vacuum sealed and put in a time capsule... :D :D :D :D