Clean Renewable lectrcitiy

Fushion Julz said:
But for a party, solar/wind power is very expensive and not very portable...

I'm trying to put enough together to run 7.5Kw of rig with lights and ancilleries, but it is going to cost around the £4-5K mark without taking into account the stuff needed to house it in/on the van and the likleyhood of needing a bigger van.

Of course, the extra weight will need more diesel in the van to shift it too...

Nothing is straightforward! :?

yeah its hard work, Si Splatt of Synchronistic Sounds/Positivitea (leeds) has a small 12v rig thats taken about three years to put together and that still runs on batteries (that have to be charged). I believe he now has some PV equipment as well but not quite enough as yet.

didn't ID sp[iral at glade have a whle world of PV panels running their rig?
Yep, remember the solar rig at the ID spiral cafe - that was impressive! Mind you, everything to do with that cafe was just :o

Anyway, back to the main thread...

Looking long-term on the power front, Water (or hydro-oxy combustion) is a pretty tempting option. Think they still need to improve the catalytic cracking of water into H2 and O. Otherwise you need to put more energy in to separating the H2 and O than you get back when you combust them... still, things are looking up for the future on that.

Personally I'm gonna hang my hopes on the 'Casimir effect'. That's one of the most outstandingly mind-bogglingly obvious routes that needs to be looked at if we're really gonna crack this 'energy problem'.

It's a simple 'Energy from nothing' method. Cutting it down into simple terms you basically place to conductive (think v. clean mirrors) surfaces facing each other move them so close that there's a small gap between them. This all needs to take place in a vacuum, so there's no pressure differential on the plates. When the plates get close enough they are pushed apart by the 'Vacuum Energy' more commonly known as 'Zero-Point Energy'.

The physics behind it is actually quite simple (well, as simple as Quantum mech ever gets...), but the philosophical implications are pretty huge. Besides the mind boggling realization that you can get 'something for nothing' it does beg the question "Why can't this be harnessed for commercial use?"

Not sure whether any corporate investigation / research is being carried out at the moment, but they have managed to measure it in labs.

Hope for the future? Fingers crossed :)
Biggins2012 said:
Fushion Julz said:
But for a party, solar/wind power is very expensive and not very portable...

I'm trying to put enough together to run 7.5Kw of rig with lights and ancilleries, but it is going to cost around the £4-5K mark without taking into account the stuff needed to house it in/on the van and the likleyhood of needing a bigger van.

Of course, the extra weight will need more diesel in the van to shift it too...

Nothing is straightforward! :?

yeah its hard work, Si Splatt of Synchronistic Sounds/Positivitea (leeds) has a small 12v rig thats taken about three years to put together and that still runs on batteries (that have to be charged). I believe he now has some PV equipment as well but not quite enough as yet.

didn't ID sp[iral at glade have a whle world of PV panels running their rig?

they did mate :D but i wudda thought it was a idSpiral/Photogenerator combined effort.... ;)

i'm also dedicating the winter to this..... ;)
Nice big article on alternative energies 4 the home in the Gruaniad today (pg 9), 'cos Blair's just done a big speech on it...but it has some nice diagrams and costings 4 equipment and 1 technology I hadn't heard of.

I am going to ask my colleague in China how much photovoltaics are - they are very popular now, particularly in the Gobi and elsewhere, and with the peasantry (just wap one up alongside the yurt or brick house). As with a lot of electronic equipment in Asia (Japan, S. Korea etc.) the goods are much cheaper than here and China is ridiculously cheap - so I'm interested to know how much a few panels would be (airfreight also cheap)

But re. hydrogen cars...someone in the paper was arguing the other day that the need 4 hydrogen 4 said vehicles meant that this would result in the need 4 more nuclear power stations: the nuclear power stations could produce a surplus of hydrogen that would be used to power the we're back with nuclear again...they really are trying to push it as the green alternative which it isn't

To my mind, a better alternative would be sugarcane fuel - as used in Brasil - seems that there is no serious pollution associated with it, and many Brasilian cities are now running their public/private transport systems with it. Infact, the only problem I can see with it is it encorages monocultures, but that is another issue...PLUS: with people cutting down on sugar because it is a useless product that rots your teeth and makes you fat and they fill up our real foods with it cos it is cheap and they don't need to put more of the expensive real food in the food (phew), yet much of the third world is still dependent on it , we could have fairtrade fuel (hooray!) :jump:
Toxic Waste is good for you!!!

Everything you need to know to keep you awake at night worrying about the feat of the human race is in this book 'Toxic waste is good for you'.

If you believe the world is run by 3 men in a room somewhere it's essential reading!!!

:bananada: :bananada: :bananada: :bananada:
phlee said:
It is pink with yellow spots :D Like Mr Blobby! :wow:

I met Mr Blobby once. He'd done a personal appearence at this wierd festival in Cambridgeshire about ten years was a wierd one, half village fate half hippy festival my band Doo the Moog were playing cut a long story short the promoter did a runner with the money, no one got paid mr Blobby was fuckin' livid !!!!!!!
Oh Yes!

I have found the reference (inadvertently) 4 govt grants 4 solar panelling:

(apparently) - someone dropped it in the letters page of a paper today...

now to find some £££s...may take A LOT LONGER...or should I move to sunnier climes? :sun:
i've recently come across a rather spurious rumour - that the solar chill at glade was not, infact, solar powered, just made to look like it! apparently it was all ready to go running on solar and then an organiser decided not to risk it and went for mains?!

this came from someone working with the electrics for the glade.. but at least 2nd or 3rd hand info by the time i heard it.

anyone know what was actually going on? :huh:
The answer is simple we need a device that can harness the energy given off by the dancers.We could then get a perpetial motion thing going. have wondered about the generator issue, have you ever danced to drums?big loud trancey dancey drums its awesome and makes you want to move the same as loud psy-trance maybe we could go to drum parties in the woods in our leccie car?? :sun:
i remember a party at the rex (either antiworld or astral phoenix) where everyone kept dancing to the hand drumming for about 10 mins after the music stopped !
well quality :lol1:
Sturdy Pete said:
i've recently come across a rather spurious rumour - that the solar chill at glade was not, infact, solar powered, just made to look like it! apparently it was all ready to go running on solar and then an organiser decided not to risk it and went for mains?!

this came from someone working with the electrics for the glade.. but at least 2nd or 3rd hand info by the time i heard it.

anyone know what was actually going on? :huh:

i think the situation is/was that for whatever reason they may not have managed (probably due to lack of sunshine or organisation,can't remember what the weather was like before glade)to fully charge the battery cells and therefore they may have charged them through the mains.they would have used stored nrg then when the sun was out topped up or run live from the sun to save the cells for night time.
either way whether it was fully solar run or not it is a step in the right direction i believe and even just having the panels on display is visual message and promotion for future technologies. :sun: :speaker:
The whole vacuum energy thing seems so bogus, the main proponent (I can't remember his name now, the american psycho who spent the 80s writing about soviet secret tesla weapons & other paranoid stuff like that...) has been at it for decades, and the best he has to show is a plea for a few million bucks to "continue experimenting" and people to buy his book about it.

It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid reality just doesn't work that way...
I am just trying to start my disscitation with a title similar to "How viable is the development if undersea turbines that exploit tidal currents as a means of generating electricity?"

As Thebarrellshifter and Grokit were talking about previously the effects of hydroelectricity through use of barrages or dams which evidently have some detremental effects to the surrounding environment, this scheme of using the natural process of tidal energy, is similar to that of submerged windmills. As tides are very predictable unlike windpower, there will be a constant supply of power (during the ingoing and outgoing tides)

Anyway, my 1/2 day of research has not made me an expert, but from what i have read, this could be a viable energy resource for the future......
If....when i get any further i will try and give a full review :)

A marine turbine....
using reneable energy is obviously goignt o be a bigger and bigger thing as we run out of oil, something i pointed at in my post just today. However if your really interested in clean energy you should check out the number of different groups trying to create things using free energy. There's a surprising number of inventions that have a good COP and if big multi-nationals got their fingt out then they could produce them now, while there's still time.
The Friends of the Earth website has a very good section which has a league table" which compares the various green energy tarrifs being offered, both in terms of how much they cost and how green they are:

Best one currently looks like the "Ecotricity Old Energy Tarrif":

I've just moved house, and will probably switch to this supplier once I've got settled in properly.


Taika-Kim said:
The whole vacuum energy thing seems so bogus, the main proponent (I can't remember his name now, the american psycho who spent the 80s writing about soviet secret tesla weapons & other paranoid stuff like that...) has been at it for decades, and the best he has to show is a plea for a few million bucks to "continue experimenting" and people to buy his book about it.

It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid reality just doesn't work that way...

i wouldn't be so sure about that....
was interested in this thread as i would love to live on sustainable power.
will look into out and post back to let you guys know my progress :D
psyfi said:
Has anyone seen that advert for I think its Esso or one of the big petrol giants where they say that they have been producing the fuel of the future for a hundred years :mad:
Dose that mean that they are going to give up on petrol and go in to the water business to fuel hydrogen cars then?
The hydrogen cars aren’t like those pissy electric cars that hum along like a milk float there quit fast and powerful and the technology has been around for sometime now. At first you had to put pure hydrogen in but now you can put water in and it separates the hydrogen and oxygen out with electrodes to power the car with water being the only resulting exhaust.
If Esso did do this would they put the price of water up leaving the poor of the world to die from dehydration?
Of course we will still need oil to lubricate the moving parts dos anyone know of alternative lubes and don't say love lube you cheeky monkeys.
Me thinks there is some web surfing to do on this one.

Its amusing that u say this because Esso/Exxon mobile have been buying every paintent on renewable energy cars, and are stockpiling them so one would assume they can charge as much as like for petrol until it runs out, and then have a trade monopoly.... FUN FUN FUN.
They def have a hydroelectric car which was invented a few years ago, its a beautiful world we live in, just a shame the people with money dont want to keep it that way.

Peace, Love, Light and Unity