Cosmosis - Trancendance


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Newmarket, Suffolk
What do people think of the new Cosmosis album?

I for one really like it. Good variery across the songs, some that sound quite old school/goa, quite a lot of good humour in it, and an excellent version of Blue Monday!
The whole album is an absolute winner! (except the New Order rmx imo) Bills best offering since Synergy. Personal faves are Naked Chicks, Stormy Monday, Warm Saki
I am digging this!! some proper English Psychedelic Music...
Stormy Monday is a definite fave with me too!!

I agree chris, you can definety hear the Mumbo Jumbo vibe, in some tracks,
a little too much in the first two where he uses some very familiar leads (recycled??)

Its a good CD, better than Contact without a doubt. But the quality of the sound mastering, could be better I rekon.
Absolutely brilliant album IMO. Best of the year so far, and certainly the best artist album I've heard for a bloddy long time. Can't stop listening to it at the moment...can't wait to test it out on a Funktion 1 this weekend either (so long as no one else plays all the tracks before me...) ;)
Great artist album from bill........but what is that re-order track all about .........just don' he takin the piss or summat?? i don't geddit.

Apart from that......i second what's already been said....proper english psychedelic trance.......some real mind bending 'twisties' (mr.faster ;)) on there
i just ordered a copy today ..... and from what i;m reading ... its gonna be good ..
Hi Guys,
thank you for your kind words.

I am glad that you (mainly) enjoy the tunes... :)

Regarding the inclusion of the apparently slightly contentious "Re-order" it is:

1. Partly Jon Phantasm and I doffing our collective hats to previous electronic music trailblazers New Order. Also it is me paying personal homage to the first elecronic track I ever heard on the dancefloor at a party (in about 83) that had that up front 909 style kik and bassline, that for me, just completely blew eveything else away in terms of danceabilty.

2. A bit of fun :) Because for me, trance parties are exactly about that: having fun on the dancefloor with your mates. Rather than furrowed brow, serious goatee stroking, frequencial analysis, trance parties for me are not serious affairs and the more absurd the better :) I do realize that for some this is a travesty, but what can I do? My music is an expression of me.

3. A genuine attempt to make a tune that presses the emotional uplift buttons for people on the dancefloor and put a smile on their faces. (Which it does btw)

Also I personally like to make albums which have a variety of moods and colours, so that it can be listened to from start to finish - as far as can be done inside Psy-trance anyway. I find the main weakness with most Psy-albums is the lack of mood changes and colour, which is fine if they are meant as a collection of tracks for dj's to choose from, but for me, ultimately make them fail as albums to listen to.

Billy Cosmosis
And right you fucking are! Great album and i agree it can be listend to all the way through unlike some of the stuff i had aquired over the last few years.

especially liking track 5, great-gated madness.
Billy, I'm glad to see you here!

From your site:
What most people don't realize is that Contact is actually a concept album, in that all of the tracks are linked by a conceptual theme, an underlying thread which runs through the whole album. Which admittedly is a little tenuous at times, but it's there nonetheless. It was picked up by a few people, one reviewer in particular completely got the whole plot...

I'm the one you're referring to :D

I'm trying to make a proper review of your new CD, though due to constant lack of time it's going veeeeryyy slowly. It will be an extremely positive review :-)

One thing though - I think you should update the tracklisting on your site ( Either there is something wrong with it, or sales fake CDs ;)
Billy, I'm glad to see you here!


It is nice to be here. It is a great site. It has a nice positive vibe.

There are some great threads and lots of valuable sharing by some real sonic masters - OTT for example. ..

Can't think how I didn't find this place sooner.

I'm the one you're referring to :D

Ah! So it was you huh?

From my point of view it is nice to know that there are some people who actually listen deep enough into the record to get it properly. Inspires me to tweak even more detail in :)

I'm trying to make a proper review of your new CD, though due to constant lack of time it's going veeeeryyy slowly. It will be an extremely positive review :-)

Oh, I am glad that you like it :)

One thing though - I think you should update the tracklisting on your site ( Either there is something wrong with it, or sales fake CDs ;)

O.k thanks for pointing that out.

That is the original tracklist and what I was going to put on the album. I changed my mind last minute.

Thanks for the reply :)

Since we've got you here, I'll use this opportunity to ask you some questions, if you don't mind ...

When can we expect a new Cosmosis and Mumbo Jumbo albums? From what I read on Trancendance's cover it was meant to be released in 2004, so you probably have some new tunes already? It would be great to hear some new tracks (but stay away from Phantasm' compilations - I can't stand those Eskimo tunes anymore...)

How is your new label doing at the moment? Any new artists you plan to release or is it only one-artist label?

Where are the samples in "Stormy Monday" from?! I loooovve that track :)

Do you plan to restock your old releases somehow? I got all of the albums, though I'd be really interested in buying the EPs or singles. Now when you have a label, maybe it would be a good idea to make some kind of 1 or 2 CD compilation of your remastered off-albums releases (Howling at the moon, Reality Check, Caves of medusa etc.). I'd buy this without hesitation!
i'd like to know, are all those samples that sound like cornfed off of duckman really cornfed off of duckman, and if so why haven't you sampled duckman. cornfed is nothing without duckman -- he carries the show and surely should be honoured.
this album rocks ... :badger:
proper psy trance !!!
specially warm saki ... man thats a bomb ..
nice onne mr Cosmosis ...
antic said:
Thanks for the reply :)
Since we've got you here, I'll use this opportunity to ask you some questions, if you don't mind ...

No problem Antic, shoot...

antic said:
When can we expect a new Cosmosis and Mumbo Jumbo albums? From what I read on Trancendance's cover it was meant to be released in 2004, so you probably have some new tunes already?

Correct. The next Cosmosis album I have already started work on. There will not be the big three year gap between Trancendance and the next Cosmosis album, like there was between Contact and Trancendance.

I reckon it will be about a year from now to the release date, but I am committed to making it top notch, and therefore am working to a quality rather than strict time deadline. So I reserve the option to take a little longer if required ;)

About a new Mumbo album; there is a slight logistical problem in that Mitch works a 9 - 5 and lives in London and I live and work out of my studio in the mountains near Madrid in Spain.

So were weren't sure that we would make another one. But quite recently, Mitch and I have agreed in principle to start work on it. I have recently sent him emails trying to entice him to come over by telling him about nice the weather is, how cheap the plane fare is etc. etc. :)

But he has not replied recently, so right nowI think that he is still surfing in Bali...

antic said:
It would be great to hear some new tracks (but stay away from Phantasm' compilations - I can't stand those Eskimo tunes anymore...)

Yeah, Junya is incredibly prolific and has released a lot of output over a very short time, so I can understand your burnout on that particular sound.

However, I do think that Junya is possibly the most talented artist both technically and musically that has come on to this scence for quite some time. I love his work personally.

As far as the Phantasm comps. go; as one of the original Psy-Trance labels on the UK scene - they were releasing Goa-Trance vinyls even before TIP records existed - they definitely deserve my support.

Quite apart from the fact that John Phantasm and I are really good mates. One of the things I completely respect about Phantasm is that they have always stuck to their guns and their roots, ignoring all current trends and releasing the music that they liked. I must say that I think that they are going from strength to strength lately.

antic said:
How is your new label doing at the moment? Any new artists you plan to release or is it only one-artist label?!

In these days of P2P and hugely reduced sales, record companies simply cannot give the advances that I require for an album. So I had to cut out the middleman. I set up Holographic Records mainly as a vehicle to release my own music. So you can see it is a neccesary response to deal with a recent and very large problem i.e P2P massively undermining sales.

It remains to be seen whether I will release any other artists on Holographic, however my gut feeling is that it is doubtful because I do not wish to get too sucked into the day to day administrative business of running a record label. Why? - because I love to spend my time creating music :)

antic said:
Where are the samples in "Stormy Monday" from?! I loooovve that track :)

Duckman. IMO as an intelligent cartoon, second only to The Simpsons. It is pity it is not better known.

antic said:
Do you plan to restock your old releases somehow? I got all of the albums, though I'd be really interested in buying the EPs or singles. Now when you have a label, maybe it would be a good idea to make some kind of 1 or 2 CD compilation of your remastered off-albums releases (Howling at the moon, Reality Check, Caves of medusa etc.). I'd buy this without hesitation!

It's an interesting idea. I will have a chat to my distributor to see if it is viable.

At present I am planning to release a single retrospective compilation of Cosmosis material, as many of the older albums are out of stock or deleted and are therefore unavailable.


Cosmosis + Mumbo Jumbo etc...