Cubase & ASIO Direct Monitoring


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St. Ubbington, Ampshire 🔊
A cry for help to the Cubase community here ...

I'm trying to monitor the input for an audio track, so far without success ... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I know I have 3 monitoring options:
1 - Monitoring via Cubase
2 - External monitoring
3 - ASIO Direct Monitoring

1 = I'd rather steer clear of, as I understand that this puts extra workload on the system
2 = I haven't got a mixing desk :( ... yet ;)
3 = My preferred alternative

The hardware supports ASIO Direct Monitoring & I've switched it on as per the help instructions, but no joy :(

Also, why is there a delay between hitting record on the transport & the audio starting to record ... ??? :huh:

Thanks for reading this far ... have a banana :bananada: (the beer's in the fridge)
aight Rez - I've got the same kit as you it seems, I'll check my config tonite and post later if nobody else has...
I must say this is something that confuses me a great deal

I have a delta1010 and nuendo which isnt what u've got but may as well be

i've never gotten monitoring to work (i'm assuming you mean so you can put an input into a channel, then add an fx, then hear the fx on that sound as you play it) even tho it is such a blatantly essential and basic part of what nuendo does (more so than sx even, really), and therefore must surely work somehow
RezN8 said:
Forgot to mention the sound card - M-Audio Delta (Audiophile 2496) ... oh, and I'm using the phono connectors.

If you just want to monitor the input directly, i.e. without any VST effects, and without any latency, then the other way to do this is via the onboard hardware mixer on the Audiophile.

Get the Delta Control Panel up, and go to the Patchbay/Router tab. Set the source for H/W Out 1/2 to Monitor Mixer.

Now go to the Monitor Mixer tab, and set your levels.... I think everything is muted by default. The WavOut 1/2 will be your output from Cubase (so leave "Stereo Link" checked, unmute them and fade them up).

H/W In 1/2 will be your phono inputs. (These are usually muted and panned hard left and right by default) If you're monitoring a stereo input, leave them panned as is, and leave the "Stereo Link" box checked. If monitoring mono sources, then unlink them and pan them centre.

Just mix the levels to suit. Don't forget, this is just setting the monitoring levels and panning - it makes no difference to what is recorded.

Couple of shots of Delta 44 settings attached. Hope that helps.
Warwick Bassmonkey said:
Couple of shots of Delta 44 settings attached. Hope that helps.
Many thanks for that fella - works like a charm!

I did manage to get the monitoring within Cubase working earlier, and as I understand it, with this card there shouldn't be any more latency monitoring than when using a VST, allowing the signal to be monitored 'wet'. Just tried this so I know it works :) . Is this of any use to you Soliptic?

To monitor through Cubase (ie. wet), ensure the "Direct Monitoring" checkbox is unticked in the Device Setup dialog and the Patchbay/Router is set to Wave Output 1/2.

To monitor using the soundcard, as Warwick has highlighted, ensure the "Direct Monitoring" checkbox is ticked in the Device Setup dialog and the Patchbay/Router is set to Monitor Mixer.

A word of caution though - I did notice that if I changed the "Direct Monitoring" settings and the Patchbay/Router settings between Wave Output 1/2 & Monitor Mixer, then I could hear the audio all the time .... :?

It's almost as if when there's a signal flowing through, then some 'latching' occurs in the software ... ???

(Using SX 3 btw ... could be a new bug ... plus I found a couple of times that Cubase could change the M-Audio settings (flatten the sliders) ... another snuggly to watch out for.)
RezN8 said:
(Using SX 3 btw ... could be a new bug ... plus I found a couple of times that Cubase could change the M-Audio settings (flatten the sliders) ... another snuggly to watch out for.)

If you wanna stop Cubase changing your card settings, try ticking this box....
RezN8 said:
Is this of any use to you Soliptic?

To monitor through Cubase (ie. wet), ensure the "Direct Monitoring" checkbox is unticked in the Device Setup dialog and the Patchbay/Router is set to Wave Output 1/2.

Well.... with this setup, I see VUs in the monitoring channel appropriate to the input, but i hear nothing at all (from the input - i still hear the mix of course. and yes, that particular channel IS routed to bus1 which IS routed to Wav Out 1/2.)

To monitor using the soundcard, as Warwick has highlighted, ensure the "Direct Monitoring" checkbox is ticked in the Device Setup dialog and the Patchbay/Router is set to Monitor Mixer.

With this setup, I hear both mix and input signal, but a stubbornly dry input signal.


probably my copy of the software, ahem.
aha - no. i'm just being stoned and stupid and not reading closely enough. it works. WOOHOO. thanks all!! :D
soliptic said:
i've never gotten monitoring to work (i'm assuming you mean so you can put an input into a channel, then add an fx, then hear the fx on that sound as you play it) even tho it is such a blatantly essential and basic part of what nuendo does (more so than sx even, really), and therefore must surely work somehow

I have no idea how do this in cubase but in logic you add a new audio object, change its type to input (make sure its the right one; it also helps naming the audio object spdif in or something that will help you remember two weeks later what you were actually doing) and then just add fx as you please. I have M-Audio 2496 so it should be similar with your setup.