Cutting DVD


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Hello All, I'm new to this Forum and this is my first Post.

Can someone Please tell me how i can cut a Voice sample from a movie?
Is there any free/ not so expensive software that can do this.

Please help me! :-)

Thank you! :cheers:
Do you mean nick a bit of the movie's soundtrack, or do you mean separate the voice from the background noise or music in the movie?

To essentially sample a DVD, you can use any recorder (even windows Voice recorder should be able to do it), Wavelab, Cool Edit, Soundforge, or sequencer (Logic, Cubase), so long as the record input is set to your soundcard's monitor (i.e. recording anything that you can hear, rather than an audio input). If you don't have the software there are definitely free wave editors around on the net that'll do it.

If you want to actually separate the sound, this is much more difficult. A decent equalizer/filter is what you want, though there's no guarantee that you can literally cut the voice out, as it depends on the frequencies of voice and any background noise or music that you want to keep.

Hope this helps. :)
Does the film have a 5.1 soundtrack? If you're very lucky the dialog you want will be on the centre channel. Wavelab 5 has multi-channel audio capabilities and is designed to work with DVDs (although I've never used it for this purpose so can't offer any detailed help, or even certain knowledge that it will do what you want). I suggest you start there, and look for an "Import 5.1 audio" function.
dvd decrypter is the first tool you will need - available free on the net - google it

this will get you past the security coding and allow you to use

dvd - avi this is also available for free on the net - again google it

once you have the .vob files converted to .avi format the video and soundtracks are available to you seperately in a package like afterfx or adobe premiere - easily obtainable via dc++ if you dont have demo versions to use!
Thanks for your help guys.

Yes, i will give all four of them a shot this evening after work.

Thanks again! :)
*I love this gig*
