David Cameron - more of the same with a different paint job or something more?

I don't think it matters who runs the Tories, or any of the other parties either.

Doesnt matter what they say, what people think, who is actually in power with what policies.

The fundemental direction of this country will go the same way, the way they are told.

We dont have a democracy in this country (few countries have a true democracy if any) it is all smoke mirrors and bollox.

So yay for David Cameron, possibly the next governing chief stooge!!!!
Purusha said:
Are you trying to tell me that all the Conservative Party members who supported Thatcher in the 80's are now six feet under or something?

Nope, in fact I think one of them posts on here by the name of Barclay (Dark Angel) IIRC.

People and policies change (look at the current Labourtive government) - if you are going to base a vote on past atrocities then you'd never vote for any party ever.

Still, I'm sure in 25 years time everyone will be saying "I'm never going to vote Labour, I remember when they toook us into that illegal war and bought terrorist fire and brimstone down on us just so Bush could bath in petrol and asses milk".

Not that I'm suggesting your venom isn't misdirected, I mean it's still alright to hate the Germans too and WWII was loads further in the past.

Mind you I'm sure your decision who to vote for (or not) is based on something less emotive than that so it's pointless debating it, it just amuses me that people will say things like "I'm never voting tory 'cos my grandfather was a miner/'cos a son of a tory stole my lunch money at school/'cos I once thought a commie was fit/etc. etc. blah" and they wonder why politics is arse.
I agree with Monkey Do - it seems a lot of people won't vote Conservative, not because of their policies or political stance but purely because they're Conservatives and the name is unfashionable.

On the news yesterday they asked a young guy what he thought of Conservatives, he said 'what i think i couldn't say on the camera'. It seemed very much to me that he hadn't really got a clue about the party other than what he heard. This could be blind prejudice on my part but I'd be willing to bet he didn't really know what distinguished them from Labour really.
Monkey Do said:
Not that I'm suggesting your venom isn't misdirected, I mean it's still alright to hate the Germans too and WWII was loads further in the past.

OK - let's take that one first while we're doing wild extrapolation:

So - if a Nazi party were to re-emerge in Germany, would you say well, they ain't been around for 50 odd years, maybe they've changed? Adolf's not at the helm anymore so let's give 'em a chance?

Now obviously that's a tad ridiculous, but like I say - there's a fair few tories who still think that Thatcher did the right thing by facing down the miners the way she did.

I actively debate these issues with local Conservatives as it goes - I know my local Conservative counsellor quite well (was involved in a local campaign with him).

This thread covers the issue of: does having a fresh face at the top change the party as a whole. Mr. Cameron himself said that Conservatives "need to change the way they think". Now call me cynical, but that's going to be interesting to watch.

I personally think (but I'm ready to be shown otherwise) that this is just a paint-job and that the heart of the Conservative membership *currently* has the same mind-set as it did in the 80's.

Like I say though - I'm prepared to be convinced otherwise.

Monkey-do, I think you'll find that my political convictions go far deeper than you suggest.
I think he's going to give "phony-tony" the scare of his life!

It's all a bit strange really because he is sounding a far more Labour leader that Blair is!

Every chance he'll be the next PM in my opinion. Whether he can be trusted is another thing. Blair sounded great when he became PM. Even now, he talks the talk - but we all know not to believe any of it any more.
I vote jason as PM! he'll sort it out, lets make a party for the next election! :Wink3: