Delic Dave

Delic Dave

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Hi all !!

Well as you might have guessed, I'm Delic Dave, formally known as Dave the rave.
Been raving since 1991, when I used to work at the State night club in Liverpool city centre til it closed in 1996, I did the lighting there, Lasers, strobes, neon, pin spots etc...

I loved my job, it was to the beat of mainly piano house, ( much later to become Scouse house ), then I went onto hard house and Techno, then two years ago I found Psy Trance, which is all I listen to now.

I have a very loud and expensive stereo system, and I live in a detached house, and have wicked partys once or twice a month.

Have had a look round this forum, and you guys seem very friendly, which usually goes with Psy tance.

Hope to interact with you all soon,
keep smiling doods.

DD :cool:
Hi Dave & :welcome: to the forum...don't be a stranger ;)
Hey hey Dave :D

Welcome to Psy-Forum :sun:

I've not been here long, but so far everyone has been lovley :wub:

See you at Alien for some :wizard1: :punk: :partysmi: :punk: :wizard1:

Love & Hugs
Choo x(",)x
hello hello to choo
pull up a bean bag, make yourself at home......and get out them lasers you were talkin bout :D
Hey Choo,

Yep will be at Res on saturday.

tanks for all yer replies, will be avin a banging weekend, and hope yooo wil be to.

top psy tance night will be on in Liverpool, and I will be there with me little lasers.


DD :cool:
Lasers..... :blink: .....

Sorry JoonCoi, i'm confused...!?

Hiys Dave!

I had a wicked night at Alien... hope you did too! Ended up at a party where some one had stolen an Alien hangy and had it up in their living room! Shockin' hey?!! So we took it back :D

Are you going to the Fort?

Love & Hugs
Choo x(",)x
Helooo Choooo

Yer I had a top time at Res on Sat night.

I played some blindin Psy trance back at me party, my front and back rooms are all one, and I had both rooms of people dancin their socks off.

Think the last person to leave was 7.30 pm yes pm a bit later than usual but I was off work today and she was into her psy trance almost as much as me so I didnt mind.

YES I will be at UV on saturday, in fact I do the lights there now, so I wont be able to miss one now, thank god.. I take it your going ??

PM me with the picutre thing !!!

talk soon

DD :cool:
Aw Dave, sounds like a wicked party!!

Where I went to they were playing Scouse House, Happy Hardcore and even some Maralyn Manson :o .... we did'nt stay to long and went an chilled out some where else....

I'll know for next time tho! I'll deffo come to yours, hehe :speaker:

Will definatley be at U.V. Tis their birthday too, so party on :D

Choo x(",)x
Hello to you Lilo..

Hi Choo

Hope Greg is feeling better for this Sat, as it would be good to go back to his for a dance after UV.

Plus would give me a rest from being hostess with the mostess, as some of my regulars call me !!

DD :cool: