Does Frankie Boyle take it a bit too far?

Thats one of them. There are others. Its quite easy to say 'jordan is a media whore, so she deserves it' whilst forgetting that she is actually a human.
He is funny, just bit of a one trick pony these days. He is funniest when he is being a bit more surreal
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the donkey kong one on tramadol nights was obscence.

I'll usually laugh at anything, but even I thought that was bad..

the jordan joke about harvey had been kicking around the interweb for ages

but I was surprised he had the gall to say it on telly
Jerry Sadowitz did it all a lot better years ago.. and he is better at card tricks..

Is he funny? Sometimes.
Is he obscene yes.
Is being obscene going too far? No
He's able to say what ever he wants. Whats the problem with that? Is he rallying people together and instigating them in to some action or hate crime? Hardly.
Is he funny? Sometimes.
Is he obscene yes.
Is being obscene going too far? No
He's able to say what ever he wants. Whats the problem with that? Is he rallying people together and instigating them in to some action or hate crime? Hardly.

I find him funny, but mostly due to the saturated PC comedians that seem to all congregate on TV comedy panel shows who are at best bland. Stuart Lee is there too and Jimmy Carr's live performances are on a par with Frankie Boyle.
He goes on about Z-list celebrities all the time.
I don't know who half the people are that he's being mean about, and I don't care to know either, being wilfully estranged from celebrity pop culture.
He goes on about Z-list celebrities all the time.
I don't know who half the people are that he's being mean about, and I don't care to know either, being wilfully estranged from celebrity pop culture.

Na they're not exactly Z listers Bez. he does rip into popular figures. He's not the funniest thing on the telly but in a sea of bland TV comedians he is one of a kind.

On another note, Tim Minchin can be a bit bitchy in a humerous way, but as someone above said, there is a human being at the other end. I'm sure they're thick skinned and confident enough to shrug it off, I'm sure compared to negative reviews etc it's somewhat trivial.

Is making racist jokes about Jordan's disabled child fair game?

Should they have left that be broadcast on national tv?
Out of all the things he says he manages to dodge racism pretty well.

I think his real gold comes out on Twitter, usually very relevant.

Frankie Boyle @frankieboyle
Thatcher being dead is a lot less tragic than Cameron being alive

Frankie Boyle @frankieboyle
Oddly, a government that lost 114 files on child abuse thinks it's important to keep a note of every time you post a funny cat video online

Frankie Boyle @frankieboyle
@barackobama The ones you're force feeding in Guantanamo? Or the ones you're bombing?

Frankie Boyle@frankieboyle Follow
Nelson Mandeada
I dont think boyle is a racist. Just a bit callous towards media whores & politicians.
I didn't say he was.

But the joke about the cage fighter, Jordan and Jordan's kid is a racist joke.

I quite like him.

But I thought he crossed the line with that joke on tv.

*edit I can see what I said in that post earlier. I was being a bit too harsh. I was drunk