dont call my rich dont call me george just call me al thats


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hey all
although some of u know me and many have seen me about on psyforum, i never did the formal introduction...
i'm alex, canadian, lived in england bout half my life, 19 years old, I write psychedelic digital foresty trance under the name Fromem Ory, I'm not really on a label but I have a release coming out with Liquid (Connective) Records. I also DJ.
I'm going to Capetown, SA in a few weeks for a lil while which is gonna be amazing... and they better have broadband!
you're most likely to find me at home in whistable, or in canterbury on a thursday nite, down the pub on a friday nite, at a rave on saturday nite and in bed on sunday! :D
when i roll home drunk my first reaction is always to post some bollox on psyforum yeah!
ok i've definitely run outta stuff to say... so take it easy everyone!
...full flight...
well, a formal hello to you to..i think our paths have crossed many a wonky time..

c ya around

:) :)
Hello there fella. Ive seen you a couple of times i think.
I so wana go to capetown! You'll have a wikid time i'm sure.
I may see you at future parties, but i'm thinking of "retiring" from the rave scene so i'm not too sure if i will see you again.

Hi Al, haven't met yet but expect we will, c ya then an have a wkd time in SA..
Rave Dave said:
I may see you at future parties, but i'm thinking of "retiring" from the rave scene so i'm not too sure if i will see you again.


:o really? why u thinkin about doing that mate?
Well ive had so many legendry times, it cant keep getting better and better can it. I find myself reminiscing everytime i go to a party.
Plus the fact that i dont take any drugs now whereas i used to do a lot at raves. I cant get used to the "feeling normal" at parties. Its strange.
I may check out the odd party still...

peace bro :tongue1: