Drone / Beatless / Ambient

Dare I offer up my own release in this category ? Experiments in Silence - Hidden Harmonic

digital download at www.experimentsinsilence.bandcamp.com

Or on CD at www.txtrecordings.co.uk

Along with some pure slabs of spaced out nothingness it's got a remix of a Cloudcycle track and 2 collab tracks with Matt ishq. cover art photo by digifrog!

I might have already posted this. Can't remember.
^ Ah that's lush that is - like a big smoochey voluptuous stoned snog to the ears - which is a very good thing indeed :)

edit: that sounds really beautiful eh - thanks heaps for making music
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"Zen Baboon"
their track on the ForestGarden Maia Indra comp caught my attention and wow the Suber album is delicious!

this album is a pick from AnotherFineDay

(DavidBickley was also in Hyperborea and there's a double cd version of that album that's worth a listen)

woah - the sort of inside out bouncy castle things that music was made for look awesome!


edit: I was looking for some clips of the hyper[borea] stuff but not really uploaded anywhere yet. Seems like Jonah Sharp (Spacetime Continuum) and AnotherFineDay collaborated with them on the first track of that album - soz only lo-fi uploads around:

edit again: I've been enjoying the 3 funki porcini bandcamp albums - link - which, in places, hint at what AnotherFineDay and Flanger making tunes together might sound like
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Been enjoying the second album by A winged Victory for the Sullen, sort of neo-classical/ambient stuff


kettel has produced a free to download ambient corker here.

hauntological, almost.......
Nice revival gents.
Kinda of fell off the drone wagon this last 12 months or so.... (and fell down a Lo-Fi rabbit hole!) haha

But yea....can't beat some good ambient.
