Junior Members
Check this web link out, its quite interesting:
I would have thought that seeing as psy-trance is basically live music (it's not made for radio airplay anyway), then presumably we would want to utilise as much dynamic range as possible, and the dj/live act can always turn up the volume if needbe. Is psy-trance falling into this loudness/killah trap too?
Also on a technical note, if the rms is really close to the peak level, does this mean either
1. it has lot more room to drop down to -infinity db, or
2. that the dynamics rarely go quiet/very much lower.
I would have thought that seeing as psy-trance is basically live music (it's not made for radio airplay anyway), then presumably we would want to utilise as much dynamic range as possible, and the dj/live act can always turn up the volume if needbe. Is psy-trance falling into this loudness/killah trap too?
Also on a technical note, if the rms is really close to the peak level, does this mean either
1. it has lot more room to drop down to -infinity db, or
2. that the dynamics rarely go quiet/very much lower.