Dubber Dan
Systems Buster
Anything and everything from a chill-out cafe through to a full-on party, we can provide all you need 
Our aim is to provide a relaxed and fun space offering a range of food and drink, where possible using organic and/or fairtrade supplies, along with a holistic healing and treatment area, all in a stimulating uv environment.
So if you've got an outdoor event you're planning and you want that something special, pop along to our website for more info www.frogpondcafe.co.uk

Our aim is to provide a relaxed and fun space offering a range of food and drink, where possible using organic and/or fairtrade supplies, along with a holistic healing and treatment area, all in a stimulating uv environment.
So if you've got an outdoor event you're planning and you want that something special, pop along to our website for more info www.frogpondcafe.co.uk