Good morning world,what a beutifull day


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Hi ya,ma name is Mims,been ravin around since 96, :bananada:
Im Macedonian,been livin for quite a while in London,last 4 Years :speaker:
Im just enjoin the lovely summer in Slovakia,a lovely green country,and gettin ready for a hallucinogen near Budapest,open air,3rd of July,followed by Goa Gil on the 24th of July. :bananada:
Just to say hi to you all,love ur forum,its really cool and positive,just go on :D And,o ye,nearly forgot,would someone from Greece tells me whats goin on there in august or september,cause Samothraki wont happen this year,and I would like to spend some quality times out there.Cheers :tongue1:
Welcome home sailor, do tell us of your psy exploits abroad :drinking: :sun: :sun:
Hi Mia

Big :welcome: to the forum.
Not been here long myself, but already met some groovy people online and in a field looking for a party :)

:party2: :shrooms: :speaker:


Welcome! Wasn't Alexander the Great from Macedonia?? Friend of yours??

Hope you enjoy your stay here, lots of lovely people!!

:sun: :partysmi:
i love the name mia!

:welcome: to the forum, have a spiffing time ol' chap

Thank u so much for the worm welcomes,u all smiley people,made me feel as at home :partysmi:Love n happines to all :wub:Lovely day to all :drinking:

Its not where you goin,its what you been trought :party2:
More than Welcome Mims

Groovy init.
I can't wait to meet and party with all the cool people Iv'e met here :) :)

Hopefully this weekend at an Anti glasto party for us wot didn't get tickets.

:party2: :speaker: :party2:

:bananada: :shrooms: :party2: :shrooms: :bananada:
Welcome!! :welcome:

and enjoy your summer! ive heard many good things about Slovakia! :sun:

Welcome!! *pa doing bounce WHEE!!*
we are all enjoying the beautiful english rain and coldness at the moment! wanna swap?!?!
Hope you will consider coming past London sometime ;)


xx LiLo xx
I will deffinitely jump to London,after the summer for a weekend,have some lovely memories n friends out there :runsmiley Just feel sorry that the best party that goes in slovakia got canceled :sob: The last year was on the highest hill of all in the midlle part of country,full of mountains, the view was just something I havent seen before :? All around were layers of mountain hills,endlessly placed one after another on all the sides,800m high,and psy trance going for 3days officialy :punk:
and another month of a gathering of 50people :party2: Check it up on
A lots of positive vibe for the day,the sun shines always :sun: