Delightful! Never heard it before. Works so well.'Jazz Aphex Twin'...
Now that's a damn fine cover. Absolutely love it, cheers.
ANYWAY. been listening to the Acid Brass album today myself. Does what it says on the tin - brass band covers of acid house records. Clever stuff.
Also, at the risk of sounding like a big fucking fairy again, how could I forget these classic weepies? I actually can't listen to Halelujah anymore myself (memories, blah), but it's worth posting anyway because as cover versions go, he fucking nails it.
Hurt could have been written for Cash - he really makes it his own. I also love his take on Personal Jesus.
Those of you who have me on Facebook know that I'm absolutely in love with this gorgeous and talented lady.
I'm sure she did this one just for me... I'm pretty sure she know's I love NIN and is inadvertently inviting me round for Coffee.
Can someone buy me plane tickets so I can go and sit outside her bedroom window please?
Aren't they just.Brilliant, all of them.
I've never thought about it, but then I like the original and early NIN.I broke someones heart last week when I told them Hurt was a cover.
I really think that original is sooo much better (obviously biased); but it really annoys me that there's very little credit for the original author; in fact I don't think I've met anyone who has known it's originally a NIN track (other than other NIN fans); which is disappointing as they're still going, technically label-less and supporting themselves.
It's a shame that there hasn't been more public attention bought to that.
"NO!!!!! IT WAS MADE IN 1994" >_<
Of course, I agree with everything you said. I don't blame Cash for the lack of credit to Reznor.I've never thought about it, but then I like the original and early NIN.
Also, Cash did a lot of covers around that period for the American recordings, so it's not like he hid anything or Reznor wasn't credited where it counts. Nature of the beast, dude - probably a lot of Cash fanboys wouldn't enjoy NIN anyway/vice versa. Me, I like reading up about records I like, but not everyone can be arsed and until Jim posted, I never knew Love Buzz by Nirvana was a cover (of a song by the band who recorded the original Venus, no less! :laughand I've been listening to Bleach for twenty years.
I think it's kinda cool that someone loved the cover version so much, had no idea and possibly their own prejudices challenged, because that's just as much the mark of a great song and credit to Reznor as it is an excellent performance of it by Cash.
Those of you who have me on Facebook know that I'm absolutely in love with this gorgeous and talented lady.
Can someone buy me plane tickets so I can go and sit outside her bedroom window please?
Getting just a tiny bit creepy there mate...
Trent did say that 'hurt' was no longer his song, that now it was Cash's..