hard disk recording


Champagne Rouletter
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Fell asleep on Beula's porch
last time i recorded a mix to my hard drive, it caused a terminal failiure!!! How are you lot rocording your mixes?

I have no wish to fork out for a fourth HD. Are you mixing in programs, or recording the Audio off of your decks?
I record straight from my decks to my pc using Audiograbber, never had any problems, touch wood!
What caused a terminal failure?

I would suggest you have a serious motherboard problem if recording 2 tracks of audio causes your HD to implode.

I regularly record 4+ tracks at a time and my HD has been whirring away happily for about 2 years now.

When I mix, the output of my desk is connected to a Focusrite Mixmaster Platinum and fed digitally back to my PC [running Logic 5.x]. I record the mix back into Logic, which is probably running 30+ stereo audio tracks @ 24bit/44.1khz and have never experienced a problem.

I would get your mobo manual out and check your BIOS/mobo jumper settings, and then check that the jumpers and cables on your HD are set correctly.

Recording a single stereo audio file should not fry your hard drive.
it was quite some time ago now, and i haven't dared try since!

it was on a preconstructed gateway 200mhz pentium

perhaps I will give it a go. i have a spare drive anyway, and my computer needs a good clean out. we shall see :)
I am using Traktor DJ 2.5 it is pretty cool, when recording a mix it just records the movment of the faders etc. I guess basically just midi messages, it is a small file, then before burining a CD, the audio has to be rendered from the fader movements and source audio files, once that is done it is a simple matter of burning a CD.

We are having a party this saturday up on a mountain and I got some mixing time :jump: I plan on recording my set then rendering and burning CDs right after playing, it is a nice feeling when somebody comes up and says thanks for the set and I can geev 'em a copy of it right there.
eMpTy-1 said:
We are having a party this saturday up on a mountain and I got some mixing time:jump: I plan on recording my set then rendering and burning CDs right after playing, it is a nice feeling when somebody comes up and says thanks for the set and I can geev 'em a copy of it right there.

that is a good plan