Hello everyone!

General Lighting

Junior Members
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Hi everyone - some of you may have seen me on other party boards but this is my first time on here..

Been partying for ages (since the old skool days) - tend to go to warehouse raves and outdoor free parties and a friend of mine produces his own psy-trance tracks, living in Reading I know Julz (who often takes his rig out to our local free parties) and Barcs (who doesn't know barcs in the city?) - perhaps some others may have come across me at parties as well (was at that Fushion/IB one in the woods which ended up being shunted aroudn hants/berks to outside crowthorne)

Whilst I enjoy other music as much as psy-trance (like D&B and old-skool) and may initially look like a "chav" if you meet me at parties (I personnally think I am half chav, half hippy :D ) I do have a genuine liking for psy-trance and look forward to interacting with you lot (comes across as a bit friendlier than other boards as well!)
Hi & :welcome: - have a great time here!
:welcome: mate, have a bowl of banana and custard!

do you know ross (double_helix on here) or doug from crowthorne?
opia said:
:welcome: mate, have a bowl of banana and custard!

do you know ross (double_helix on here) or doug from crowthorne?

unfortun8ly not by name (although I may have encountered them a few weeks ago and not realised it) - TBH I was fairly trashed at that woodlands party - and it usually takes 2-3 tries for me to remember both real and forum names :)

although I have often staggered over to Fushion when they have been playing at our local squat parties or outdoor raves over the years its only fairly recently I've been finding out about psy-trance so I don't really know that many people off the scene...

but no doubt I will prolly meet a few more of you over the months though :)

A general welcome to you, General Lightning :lol:
Tis indeed well fluffy here (but in a good way...)


xxLiLoxx :wub:
Hello mate, we were introduced for the first time in person the other week at Fushion/IB near Crowthone, by our mutual friend Random Monkey.

Good to see you over this side of the net, hope to be seeing more of you, both on, and off the net .

Hiya mate, being new is fun, isn't it? :)

General Lighting's posts are great, it's rocking that he's here, Very.
Hello Mate . :D

And what a nice surprise to see you here. I guessed it was you when I read some of your posts in the General Discussion room - so I thought I'd come here to see if you'd posted, and to say, hi.

I dunno if you want your real name disclosed, so I'll just call you Mr Lightening. ;)

For those who don't know, Mr Lightening's been in the scene as long as I can remember, and was one of the original organisers in the Reading area.

It's been ages since I saw you last, but if you're getting into Psy-Trance there's a good chance that our paths will cross again in the not too distant future. :)


Big Hugs,

Barclay (Dark Angel) said:
Hello Mate . :D

And what a nice surprise to see you here. I guessed it was you when I read some of your posts in the General Discussion room - so I thought I'd come here to see if you'd posted, and to say, hi.

I dunno if you want your real name disclosed, so I'll just call you Mr Lightening. ;)

hi Barcs - thanks for the welcome

My real name is Alex BTW - some of you may have met me before at multi-rig parties or various other events

Don't need to hide it when my employers have already blocked the site sometimes the filtering protects as well as hinders...