Hello from Wales


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Hello all, my names Elden. I posted some stuff under the dubious name of fractalorganism about nights in Wales but thought id introduce myself again with a different name, as this is the name i use for djing. Hope not to offend any fluffy animal lovers with this barbaric name, i can assure you that I too am an animal lover and a vegan and not at all interested in strangling bears or otherwise molesting wildlife, no matter what some people might say about the Welsh.
My friends and I do a psychedelic night in Aberystwyth called Vibration Therapy about once a month (Next one on July 10th, posted in the parties section) & help out with the odd outdoor party. Iv been djing 4 years, at our own nights & various free parties, I especially love tribal, dark and really twisted tunes but love it all really, anyway enuff said about me. Hope to meet more like-minded heads here & make some new connections...
Love and Peace from the Bearstrangler
Ello :D

Where bouts in Wales are ya? U from Aber, or just do parties there? Glad to hear ur an animal wuvver...got a bit worried there :blink:

Take care
yay more welsh people :D

will have to venture up to aber for a stomp :partysmi:

huw xx
Yes indeed am from Aberystwyth. I gather you came and partied with us a couple of weeks ago, I hope you had a nice time. I might even have met you there, I was the hairy bearded one with the ridiculously big yellow puffa jacket, did you see or speak to me?

Erm, no...I didnt see you...I hibernated in my car due to it being (in my world) minus degrees and blowing a ten force gale wind :P Then I sorta half fell asleep, half tripped madly on a magical ickle orange thing. I was very impressed with the party tho, and the pigs were really nice to us. Was lovely setting as well.
:sun: Sunny Wales :sun:
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Enjoy and the likes!

xxLiLoxx :P
heheh ello Eldon m8, hows u, crazy been on here 2 days and already met a few people i know.......listen man still need an adress for the sending ov twisted dvd 's ok let me know....harri om m8.....BOOM...richy :jump:
Hi & :welcome: Elden
I just joined this recently, from aberystwyth in term time would love to find out about free parties in this area, ive been to a couple of the vibration therapy nights, had a wicked time bouncing around like an idiot to some great tunes, look forward to hearing about anything good happening
Iv been djing 4 years, at our own nights & various free parties
if u ever need decor then ma and my blokey have a load of our backdrops and big u.v dreamcatchers that seem to go down well with parties in the south west! gimme a shout if u need any help! were always up for a free party
big love