Hello, If only I had known about this site earlier!


Forum Member
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Near Winchester
Hello PsyPeople,

Im Pieca Cake, Saying a hello for the first time, I wish I had known about this site before going to Boom, I was looking for people to travel with to the Boom, we got there in the end, had a fantastic time and then ventured to Cyber Tech, made it home last week, eventually, has anyone got any photographs of Cyber Tech that I could have or see, I was too messy to use my camera in the end. What a fantastic display of UV and sculpture. Be nice to hear from you,
Love and Light,
Pieca Cake. xxxx :?
Hello there, come right in, make yourself at home :drinking: Enjoy the many elights of the forum ;)
:welcome: to the forum.

You don't happen to know that talented individual, Pieca Piss, do you? :P
RezN8 said:
:welcome: to the forum.

You don't happen to know that talented individual, Pieca Piss, do you? :P


:drinking: Welcome!! x