Hello tripheads!


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Well i guess this is my chance to go rah and tell you everything about me, but i cant be arsed, so here is a few things about me!

My real name is iain
Im 21, 22 in a couple of weeks
I live in cambridge
Love playing with toys, yay! toys! staff, juggling, fire etc...
Most music i'll listen to, except all the generic shite!
Fluffyness is the way forward!

so er..yeah. I live in cambridge, its wank, bored of it! I went upto edinburgh for new year and completely unexpectedly fell arse over tit in love with nancy! (nancypants) And so im off to spain as soon as possible, im looking for someone to move into my room so i can escape the 'paying rent' dilema and run away to fluff up europe! yay!
thats about all you need to know i think. ask me if you got any questions tho.
Big bits of fluff n hugs.
:wow: What a plan, Fluff up europe :sun:

I think I love you :wub:
Can I come too? :cooljump:
who r u

Who are you really..... I must know u be ing an ex ca\mbridge ite or u must know my brother Jack!

Anna Fenton
err...maybe, im sure we know people who know eachother, cambridge is well incestous like that. im pretty tall, dark curly hair (although its dreaded now, thanks to nancy. yay!) i used to work in the co-op in mill road mashed off my face a lot, but i got fired....for being mashed off my face a lot! might have just seen me bimbling around at some point.

Hmmmmm well u dont ring a bell!!!! But then i have been in LONDON for 4 years now so it is hardly surprising!!!!!!

Hope to see you about very soon babe!!!

Anna :bananada: :bananada: :bananada: :bananada:
yeah, i was as psybernetics, quite good fun! As for cambridge, ive just spent the last 2 hours trying to get my deposit back from the landlords, like getting blood from a stone. I threatened them with going to the housing office and getting them struck off for being wankers, got my money! :D God i cant wait to get out of this dead city! spain here we come..monday 7th YEAH!!
I doubt ill be online for a while now, so hope everyone stays good, see you in the future! :)