Help please - we need oil spill pics


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The following came in from my project manager in Russia this morning (see also my thread in here on Amur leopards and the pipeline.

I don't have time to trawl the web for this stuff, but I thought there might be some un- or under-employed forumers who do... any pics found, please pm me, I can download them myself its finding them takes the time. Any in Siberia itself would be especially useful!!

thanks millions, in advance


Dear All,

I need pictures of an oil spill for our leopard brochure that will be distributed in villages in Khasan. And also for a brochure that will be used together with a petition against the pipeline route.

The pictures can be either of oil polluted beaches or of polluted land. I have seen ghastly pictures of oil lakes in north Siberia, but I can not find them on internet, and with my slow connection an internet search is no fun!
Two to start with for now:

taken from

and this one

taken from

Both have a little bit of detail about the photos on the actual site page. :)
Ok another two too :hehe:

-----------edited for reasons of size---------------------------------------------
= a good picture of an oil waste pit, but very large.


that one of oil recovery on an west-Siberian river. The river is between 5-10% by volume crude oil. Two surface skimmers are capturing floating oil which is then sold to refineries. Both of these pics are from here:

There's a few more worth having a look at on that site.
Brilliant thanks man! Looks like just what he wanted. The materials should be online when they're done, I'll post a link.

Earthling, have you tried Greenpeace Russia?

Their website is very good these days and they have some very interesting photo albums...
they have a number of articles about the oil industry in russia and siberia as well as its effects on the indigenous peoples there

Here is a link:

and kindly they have translated it into english