Artist: Hexaliohm
Title: Deep Inside
Label: -
Format: Digital Release
Release: 2022.03.04
Catalog: HEX004
1 - Hexaliohm - Deep Inside
Deep inside, there're melodies that touch the soul, more than words.
Released on 2022.03.004
Writer: Hexaliohm
Producer: Hexaliohm
Mastering: Hexaliohm
Artwork: E-Art
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On a land of dense, rainy forest, between mountains and an ocean bay, After a long search into the depths of existence, the call was heard. Music found a way to bring his message to the surface of reality. Music is a universe of togetherness, openness, where we can improve, becoming one with...

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A deep melodic journey through the depth of human being. Bookings: hexaliohm@gmail.com

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