Hey Diddly Jays, needs help

i also brought myself up on fruity loops... and have many many good things to say about it. that programs definitely got a special place in my heart :)
but for fucks sake people... get the girl on reason or even better.
although i'm a dedicated Cubase SX2 user i know a little bout reason and i think, Cari, that its definitely your number one priority bit of kit to get into.
yes, fruity loops is accessible, easy to get into and can make some good stuff, i suggest Reason because although the early days mite be confusing, in the long term you'l get much better results and when the step comes to Cubase or Logic, i.e. going all the way, it wont be such a massive leap because you'll be used to PROPER sequencing and good synthesizers, plus descent automation.

dont start at the bottom, no matter how luring, get urself into reason or even cubase. i started a guy off on cubase the other day and he's already well into it, after like a week. and you say you're good at adapting to technology. though daunting at first, with a good teacher (and hey, i taught myself) you'll be writing good music in no time, in a program that has infinite possibilites.
in the short term it would be best to get Music for your PS2. in the longterm i reccomend taking a little extra time to learn a proper program.
sqabligly words here people :)

fruity loops sounds good, have never even heard fo reason... maybe someone could do a little "..... program, plus points, neg points" thingy to see why what is good is good?
How are things going Carifairy, did you invest in Fruityloops?

I've not had time to have a proper go on it yet (4 month old baby = lack of spare time!)
I've had a mess around but thats about it, theres definitely ALOT to learn:?
whitedog said:
what was the last version of FL you used, fromem_ory???
FL Studio has come on a hell of a long way from the old FruityLoops....
i find it hard to believe that Fruity Loops will ever be in the same city, let alone ballpark, as cubase. if it has comparable features to SX3 then do tell :D
CariFairy said:
sqabligly words here people :)

fruity loops sounds good, have never even heard fo reason... maybe someone could do a little "..... program, plus points, neg points" thingy to see why what is good is good?

Either one is quite capable of producing top results and some of the top luminary maestros on the forum use Reason. And so do I.

I like <reason></reason><reason></reason>[..Reason..] and I found it loads easier to get into than FL Studio, but thats just me. I reckon your best bet is to download the demos for both and just have a go.

See what makes sense to you. There's loads of people here who know both and would be pleased to help u...
Fromem_Ory said:
i find it hard to believe that Fruity Loops will ever be in the same city, let alone ballpark, as cubase. if it has comparable features to SX3 then do tell :D

dont be nasty to fruityloops :)

to CariFairy - i'd just like to recommend fruityloops too - relatively cheap and relatively easy to use. also really quite powerful if you decide to spend lot of time writing music in the future. another good thing is that it supports 'VST'. this means you can get hundreds of extra bits of sotware to give you more options and things to do in the future. (you probably wont want extra options now! but give it a few months and you'll definitely be happy you can get more stuff) you can get lots of these for free off the net too :D

to Fromem_Ory - seriously flstudio 5 is really rather good. 64 track (stereo) fully routeable mixer, proper automation of everything (inc. all VST plugin params), decent hard disk recording, full VST/VSTi support, multi out ASIO support...

all my music writing mates use logic and i've yet to see them do anything with it i cant do in fruityloops. (they know what they're doing too - all writing music as part of phar-psyde) its usually easier to do it in fruityloops too cos the interface is much better and the software is more stable.

also, reason is nice but (and correct me if i'm wrong) but doesn't it lack VST or MIDI support? fine for a beginner yep but i'd have found that quite annoying within a few months of starting to write music... not knowing about them would make the transition to 'pro' software harder too...
Continuum said:
I reckon your best bet is to download the demos for both and just have a go.

See what makes sense to you. There's loads of people here who know both and would be pleased to help u...

wise words indeed... whatever works for you is going to be the most important thing really...
evilwill said:
also, reason is nice but (and correct me if i'm wrong) but doesn't it lack VST or MIDI support? fine for a beginner yep but i'd have found that quite annoying within a few months of starting to write music... not knowing about them would make the transition to 'pro' software harder too...

Yup, no VST, no audio tracks, no MIDI in or out. Totally self-contained. The downside of this is that you're stuck with the instruments supplied by the makers. The upside is that it's stability is legendary and its CPU-efficiency is amazing by comparison with The Big Sequencers.

However once you've learned it, you can integrate it with your Big Audio Sequencer of choice (I use cubase SX) via Rewire so once you've learned Reason, it will be useful to you forever more, even when you upgrade to using another more complicated music app.

I'd question the assertion that Reason isn't 'Pro' since I know that a few of the Pros on this site use it all the time...It think it's as capable and 'pro' as the person using it.

However this is not the point. The best software is the one that *you* like best :)
Continuum said:
I'd question the assertion that Reason isn't 'Pro' since I know that a few of the Pros on this site use it all the time...It think it's as capable and 'pro' as the person using it.

oh yeah totally agree with that - see my stalwart defence of fruityloops on this and other threads :D
Oh K my friend Virus uses Cubase and Reason. I heard many use FL.
I wanna rock right naw!
Hmm yes me too - dya think I should buy reason myself to get the full unglitched program? I think I should've bought the roland 303 long ago dammit.
After Reason what is next - do you still buy sound modules?