Hi everyone, I don't want anyone to get this wrong so...


Or am I?
Reaction score
Let me make one thing clear: I am definitely not, on no accounts whatsoever, not at any time of the week nor from any angle, a mongoose.

Aside from that, Hi everyone, I'm new. I don't know anyone here so I guess I'll probably be mainly lurking and reading, occasionally imparting my wisdom if I see fit.

How is everybody?

Anybody met any elves recently? I like elf dust. That's my favourite pipe smoke!

I might also be found on the producing board - I've been known to dabble from time to time.


Not a Mongoose
thankyou for clarification

could you please tell me which of the things in my field of vision are also not mongeese, i am somewhat confused?
And if there were more than one of you, would you not be mongeese, or would you not be mongooses?

Welcome to psyforum :Smile3:
Hello guys :Grin::Grin:

Thanks for the welcome..

what I am is unimportant. Just so long as you remember I am not a mongoose, then you will be fine.

nothing to see here... :runsmile: