hiya :D


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er... i just wanted to introduce myself...

im a friend of psychedelic acid fairy...

she knows who i am.. and i know her..

but she doesn't know me....

she doesn't know that i've joined....

i think she's ignoring me...

anyway.. good day everyone!! :D
I know her too...
But i dont know u....
She doesnt know u and i dont know u but u know her...
do i know u??????? hmmmm.... :huh:
Hiya an welcome to the forum friend of lil Paf... she's not speaking to anyone atm, but she'll be back... she cant resist it...she's addicted :)

She's my lil sis btw so i can say wot i like :lol:

Well im completely confuzzled but thats nuttin new!

Another friend of Estelles! Yey! She'll have to introduce all u guys sometime!

Welcome and enjoy :D
ha ha, such confusing nonsense, welcome to psy-forum - looks like you will fit in nicely :)

xjackiex :jump:
Ratty said:
Hiya an welcome to the forum friend of lil Paf... she's not speaking to anyone atm, but she'll be back... she cant resist it...she's addicted :)

She's my lil sis btw so i can say wot i like :lol:


I never actually said I was leaving....wot I said was that I wanted to knife someone....but Im over that now :P :D

Yes...its true, Im addicted :sad: *goes to psy-forum rehab*

And u cant say wot u like....I know where u live. And I may be popping up this weekend :P

As for u raindrop...I have 3 guesses as to who u are and one definite guess that ur a freak :P Pls reveal urself...I dont have the brain power to work it out :P :D