Hunting Banned From February - just announced

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dave arc-i

Now what we need to hope for is a spring election and watch middle england screw labour.
Middle class acts of civil disobedience - my am I looking forward to a laugh, police arresting protesting hunters instead of arresting hunting protesters - how ironic
the hunters become the hunted :? let them protest for a change

save the fox

save the badger

dave arc-i said:
Now what we need to hope for is a spring election and watch middle england screw labour.

And make Howard PM?



about time they delivered on manifesto promises

i too eargerly await the old bill giving them scumbags a taste of trunceon

dave arc-i said:
Dont - he's my local MP - if that isn't scary enough

Ted Heath was MP where I grew up originally... :unsure:

Have to say, the hippie in me doesn't want to see the police overstep their bounds with anyone... but the punk in me would certainly chortle a tad if they stood up to the CA.


Can't wait to taunt the hunting relatives. A few weeks in the slammer should knock some sense into them. :tongue1: :lol1:

As to the prommised civil disobediance...

Confiscation of the packs of hounds by the police should remove any problems with upity hunter types. :D

PHLUR :sun:
Now dont get me wrong, im not actually in favout of fox hunting as a game, but i do think that both sides of the fox hunting lobby piss me off intensly, the protesters too.

it is inanely hippocritical for these people to start jumping around, tresspassing on peoples property, when they themselves are obviously not so concerned about animal cruelty as they make out. Unless they are all vegetarian then they are certainly aiding far worse cruelty to animals than fox hunting does, far worse. On a mass scale. institutional torture.
In addition, leather shoes? wearing of leather clothes? makeup or toiletries that were made using animal tesing?
Yes hunting wasnt nice, and unfair, but the whole affair annoys me intensly. If the people had put half the effort into protesting into someting worthwhile such as against research, or meat industry, something far greater might have been achieved. As it was it was really just another fun thing to do, another game.
Errrr...... didn't Barry Horne starve himself to death whilst imprisoned for offences commited in the furtherance of animal welfare rights?

Animals HUMANELY (and I'm not going into that arguement) killed for food and other products I have no problem with - animal cruelty however is another matter entirely and needs addressing however that cruelty is caused.
Animals cannot be killed humanely for food.

*humans have bred them over hundreds of years to be eaten, changing their characteristics, just to eat meat means u are taking part in a tradition of cruelty.
*organic labels dont guarentee the animal has been treated well, just what chemicals they've (or rather they havent) been given
*the methods involved in killing them, the way they are kept and treated... all animals will suffer insttitutional pain, like, every mother cow that has a baby, the baby is forcibly taken from them, this causes such unhappyness, and then the baby's milk is taken. This will happen in even the most caring of farms (and trust me ive researched this there are very few around) and as for the state of the meat industry in general it is sheerly horrorcore.

and as for fox hunting, it can hardly begoin to be classified as cruelty on the same level. Ok the fox has a terrible run, and it is NOT FAIR but thats maybe a few anumals a week, and it must be rememberred they would have to be killed anyway, i used to live in proper rurality, and foxes are instinct killers, killing for fun, baby anuimals, as many ducks/hens as pos, rabbits... they are bad news and shhould be removed if possible. Im not saying they should be hunted with dogs this is very extreme, but surely taking all this into account, the hunt protestors could have found a more worthy animal or cause to support
It's more the landed gentry running roughshod over the less well-off that pissed me off about it. Why should we bow and scrape to someone (and more importantly allow them to trespass on our homesteads) just 'cos they've got a big house and a posh double-barrelled name? (not referring to you kitkat, honest!)

Remember, 'privilege' literally means having your own private law. If we're not above it, neither should they be.

I reckon they should get normal weekend pursuits, like opening up their land and having a stonking party on it, what say you guys? ;)

Monkey Do said:
Nice quote from some countryside alliance woman on the radio this morning:

"We're sick of the Government who we elected to sort out our public services telling us what to eat, what to smoke and what to do with our free time"

Maybe we're not so different after all?

I seriously doubt that she voted for a Labour government who were commited to banning hunting tho. :rolleyes:

A more truthfull statment would have been;

"We're sick of the Government, who we didn't vote for, trying to sort out our public services, advising us what is healthy to eat, telling us where to smoke and how to behave in a civilised manner."

I notice their reaction to not being able to kill foxes etal is to threaten to slaughter their own hounds and horses rather than convert to drag hunting.

kitkat said:
Unless they are all vegetarian then they are certainly aiding far worse cruelty to animals than fox hunting does, far worse. On a mass scale. institutional torture.

Or they could just eat organic meat and dairy products. :)

Which despite your claim are treated more humanely

Q: Does organic mean high animal welfare standards?

Yes. Organic standards maintain high levels of animal welfare which are ensured through monitoring of housing, stocking densities, veterinary treatments and feed of each registered farm. Organic standards minimise the negative effects of transporting animals.

Soil association

kitkat said:
If the people had put half the effort into protesting into someting worthwhile such as against research, or meat industry, something far greater might have been achieved.

They do!

But your argument is flawed anyway.

The banning of slavery could be said to have been a step towards the introduction of anti racism laws in this country. Should we not have banned slavery until racism was eliminated?

kitkat said:
and foxes are instinct killers, killing for fun, baby anuimals, as many ducks/hens as pos, rabbits... they are bad news and shhould be removed if possible.

What so that institutionalised cruelty can continue unmolested in the non-organic farming industry? :no:

Also if they are 'instinct killers' they are hardly 'killing for fun', that would be a glaring logical inconsistancy in your argument.

Ducks and hens tend to fly away when threatened by a fox. When kept in confined spaces (cages) which are inadequetely secured, so that foxes get in, yes carnage occurs but that situation is hardly the fault of the fox.

Rabbits would be considered vermin in an agricultural setting which is why beagle and harrier packs exist to hunt them. Since their natural predators are too busy fleeing from foxhunters.

PHLUR :sun:
JPsychodelicacy said:
It's more the landed gentry running roughshod over the less well-off that pissed me off about it. Why should we bow and scrape to someone (and more importantly allow them to trespass on our homesteads) just 'cos they've got a big house and a posh double-barrelled name? (not referring to you kitkat, honest!)

what? i thought we were all meant to be pretending this wasn't about class.. three cheers for jp for making it clear that it actually is (misinformed) bigotry after all! ;)
ex master of the rolls lord donaldson is 100% behind the legal challenge being mounted today - as i said previously animals for food is another arguement NOT this one.

I have seen video of a fox cub being thrown to the hounds after it was being held by the back leg by a terrier man whilst another dug the cub out. It was thrown screaming to the pack - this is a world away from foodstuffs. If (Kitkat) wants to argue ALL animal death is cruel then start a thread on it.

The point of this thread was to acknowledge that a start has been made to re-address cruelty for sport (pleasure and fun) and (in England and Wales) probably the first legislation since bear baiting was banned - all cruelty - be it to animals or people, needs to be addressed and this should just be seen as the start of a road on the behalf of the animals.
fox hunting is indeed bad, but it pisses people off so much not because of the abuse to foxes but the fact that its posh twats doing it...

just a thought though - how much money has been spent by the pro hunt lobby, anti hunt campaigners and the government? does anyone really think that's money well spent? (or good use of government time?)

there are many, many more important issues to deal with before stopping some rich twats killing a few poor foxes...
tom anteater said:
what? i thought we were all meant to be pretending this wasn't about class.. three cheers for jp for making it clear that it actually is (misinformed) bigotry after all! ;)

"Well, rich... Richard.... Dick is short for Richard..... So if you're rich, you're a dick."

- Krist Novoselic/Dave Grohl 1991.


J. (It should be noted that Kurt just looked apologetically at the camera and grinned)
evilwill said:
there are many, many more important issues to deal with before stopping some rich twats killing a few poor foxes...

I'd be interested to here of these many more important issues which can garner such an overwhelming majority in parliament on a free vote. Start a separate thread tho! :)

Or perhaps you could mention a non-partisan issue upon which the majority of the country would like change but is opposed by parliament. The reintroduction of the death penalty perhaps!

Also for your and others information the population of fox hunters includes a wide selection of society not limited by class, wealth, religion or colour. :tongue1:

PHLUR :sun:
Technognome said:
I'd be interested to here of these many more important issues which can garner such an overwhelming majority in parliament on a free vote. Start a separate thread tho! :)

It's fairly obvious that this issue was simply a bone thrown to the traditional urban Labour voters to provide cover for the vast majority of 'Tory Lite' New Labour policies - which, for all their suckiness, were the only reason Labour suddenly became 'electable' in the mid-90's to many of those who'd been voting Tory throughout the '80s.

Also for your and others information the population of fox hunters includes a wide selection of society not limited by class, wealth, religion or colour. :tongue1:

Certainly not limited in terms of bloodthirsty idiocy though...

Actually, that's not fair - I think what most of them actually fear is change itself... there seems to be something in the human psyche that deeply fears a change in the status quo, particularly when living is comfortable.
