i need help please :D


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bristol :D
hey guys, right to all those people who have made a demo cd b4 i need some help with making mine.. me and double heelix have tried this many time but cant seem to get the qaulity right. both times we have use sound forge (is this the best programme to use? ) the first time i made a mix and wacked it on to mini disk then put it onto heelix's hard drive but we found that the copy was all bass and very little mid and treble.. the second time we went straight from the mixer to his hard drive and that hasn't seemed to work (i dont know why, heelix will be able to explain? ) i think it was when we went to put it on the net it didnt work, i hink the quality was dodgy too.

how do we do it? how do we make the quality of the mix sound clear an crisp.. :D

rob :D
I use Audiograbber (free download from here) Then I set up the bass, mid and treb as I normally would, and adjust the master volume so that in Audiograbber, the eqs just touch into the red. Seems to work for me. :)
when we had problems with the bass it was because of the way we were recording it. the second time it recorded fine, i have a very nice sounding, high quality recording on my hard drive, but the host of my webspace wont let me upload it because the file is too large. what you need to do is find some webspace where we can upload it and it will be fine. if you cant then we will have to cut the file in half and have part A and part B.
what are you monitoring on? if your tune sounds like it would in a club in the studio or at home its probably mixed with the bass too kicking try toning it down a bit mix it on a low volume like bearly being able to hear it type volume, if you can hear all the sounds , kick bass wibbly bits your quids in then turn it up.
Just keep trying with different mix versions, each one with a slightly different mix and eq. Then listen to them on different speakers (computer, hi-fi, headphones, car etc). You want it to sound good on most systems you play it in. You'll be able to work out which ones are the best and the worst. From that you can work on a final mix which is right.

When getting the EQ's and levels right in the project, I adjust the EQ on my hardware mixer (which the computer main out goes into). With each part in the track, I make sure that the treble is correct, by turning up the treble to max on the hardware mixer, and then turning up/down the hi-EQ of each part so that each is not too loud or quiet (in the high end).
Then I turn down the hi-EQ on the hardware mixer to 'normal', and the details should be just right, not too bright or too soft - if any parts are too bright/soft, then I adjust them accordingly, checking back with the hi-EQ turned to max to make sure they're not to bright.

I do the same again for each part in the bass/mid fequencies, turning the bass to max on the hardware mixer, and making sure that the bass-EQ of the kick/bass/low synths is set correctly. Then I bring the bass on the mixer to 'normal', and make sure that nothing is too quiet. At this point it's a matter of getting the right amounts of mid and bass on each part so that it sounds 'normal' and not too weedy (too little bass/too much mid) or fat (too much bass/too little mid).

Once the treble and bass/mid end of the mix is sorted out, you'll find that you can turn up the volume of the parts quite considerably or you'll be able to turn it up on the ouput mixer/hi-fi/amp - everything will appear to have more volume, clarity and fullness. With the mix you have at this point, you should be able to turn up the bass EQ on what ever system you play it on, and the bass/kick should be at the maximum acceptable for the track. If it's not enough or too much, then you can go back to your project and adjust accordingly. The same goes for the hi-EQ. If some snares are crisper than others or they are louder than the hi-hats, then you need to equalise the EQ back on the computer.

When you finally DO have each part equalised for EQ, if you still think you need a little more/less overall bass/mid/hi EQ, then you can probably just apply this to the project on the master EQ instead of adjusting the EQ of each individual part.

Then export your audio track to a wave file, normalise it to 95%, and stick it on CD.

like ive already said, THE MIX SOUNDS FINE. its just that the file is too large to upload it into my webspace. there is nothing wrong with the levels or the volume, soundforge is more than adequate for our needs, i dont have a working copy of t-rax but i have the waves mastering plugins which do the same job just as well.
What format is it in? I've found the best trade off between filesize and "quality" is 128kbps wma file (about 56mb per hour) which although technically lower quality (if you analyse the output with meters etc.) than an equivalent *well* encoded MP3 uses some tricks to make the perceived quality to the average human ear better (basically by enhancing certain frequencies).

If you have more space available then higher bitrate MP3 files are better.

The problem you have with a lot of hosts is they limit the file size not just the total space available to something like 1-5mb. I ended up paying for some dedicated hosting to stick my mixes online, if you are desperate you could send me the mix on CD-R and I'll encode it and host it for a while for you on monkeydo.org.