i think trance is stupid

Red five said:
he's right you know...ever since i let jesus into my life things haven't been the same...he uses all the milk, never rinses the bath out and has the disciples round all the time smoking all my dope.

he also leaves cd's out of the boxes, wears my clothes and talks non stop about the scene in israel...

to be honest I went on reputation but the chaps an utter swine!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: haha hehe :)
I heard a really interesting fact recently. If you are ever at a party, or with ANYONE that you dont want hanging around you, just start talking about Jesus. It is a sure fire way to get rid of ANYONE. I tried it last weekend (even though i am not the vaguest bit Christian) and it worked a treat. Another tip from my book :)