I'm pretty sure theres sme djs around here...


The Puppeteer
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I gots cd decks for chrimbo (yeah probably a bit of a spoilt brat, even though im 21 now...) and i was thinkin, theres quite a few djs around here right? So think back to when you first ever started mixin (yes i know it was a while back ;p) and giz some tips and hints and does and donts (please and thanku!). Ive got the axis 8 cd players and DXM01 mixer. So if anyones got the same some info off them would be useful. Ive got the basics, and about 3/4 dj mates coming round for a play every now and then, just thinking there might be people who can tell me things i wouldn't have thought of. I dunno! And of course my first choice of music to mix will always be psy trance.
Luv n hugs
:cool: :) :D
GEt a book called "How to DJ Properly" It's a really good laugh apart from anything and is very easy to understand and takes you through everything you need to know.

How to DJ: The Art and Science of Playing Records ~Frank Broughton, Bill Brewster
Bantam Press
Paperback - September 2, 2002
Books: See all 13 results
Our Price: £10.49 Used & New from £10.37 Usually
Try joining the forums on www.djsource.co.uk - I only found them last week -they seem a nice enough crowd and well up for helping newbies. Always a few threads going on there which will probably answer your questions. congrats on the decks!!! :clubjump:
I was THINKING of gettin a book, but they're usually aimed at vinyl mixin n wasn't sure itld be of that much use to me. Spose its all the same basics, would just be nice to get a book specifically for cdj's though. Cheers!
djs round here .......... where :unsure: :ph34r:
linzi said:
I was THINKING of gettin a book, but they're usually aimed at vinyl mixin n wasn't sure itld be of that much use to me. Spose its all the same basics, would just be nice to get a book specifically for cdj's though. Cheers!

It covers both, though there is more on the specifics of vinyl mixing than on the specific of CD mixing. Much of the advice in the book applies to both, though

hope this helps! :)

yeah i will look into that definately, could be a great reference to have when i aint got one of my dj mates around or aint on the tinternet (cos i only get to use it at uni. booo!) Checked out that website too, SO much stuff to read through that people have posted to others like myself, seems well friendly. Yay! Although now i have TWO forums to keep a check on, and im meant to be doin work.... hmmmm.....
learn your tools , practice lots , figure out pitch and how to tell if you need to go faster or slower, practice, get a few tunes with fairly "clean" beat bits at beggining and end that you dont mind listing to 100 times and pratice with them

keep the faith and remember god is a dj
never ever ever ever give up

even when u cant find any good tunes and ur having a day or two where every mix u try goes wrong and its frustrating u real bad

never ever ever ever give up

keep with it, try new things, muck about, u never know what u might find out!

practice practice practice.......ive been going 9yrs now and im still learning ;)

it only get more fun!!!!!
dya know, im one of them people who wont fucking give up sometimes, especially when somethings trying to get the better of me. Im quite competative. So i spose i could see this as a competition with the decks - bring em on!!! So far im liking the practicing, as i said, but i know what you mean - those days when nothing goes right, yeah, had a few of those. 9 years and still learning eh? I spose y'can never be perfect so long as music is still getting made!
keep it comin!!
each new mix is a new learning experience :partysmi: one is usually never the same as another, the trick is to keep it all flowing and transfer the energy from one tune into the next, keep the dancefloor at a peak, which can sometimes get a little tricky after 1hr but is completely possible
also dont get stuck into making 'sets'
i find it best not to write down sets but to write down all the tracks on each album i really like and then go from there, sometimes its better to go on the fly if you can hack the pressure, and you dont always have to play each tune from the start, a good tip in keeping the energy there and rolling
i like to play on the fly cause then u can tell what the crowd really want, but each to there own cause sometimes it can go wrong, but that happens to everyone once in a while....pick ur tunes carefully, only play the best of the best (imo) cause there nowt worse then a set thats rocking then a bad choice of tune kills the momentum and u have to work hard to build it back up. drop a dancefloor bomb!!....or 10 of em in a row ;)

oh, learning to mix other styles of music can be really handy in varying the way u mix stuff. i learnt to mix d&b techno funky house trance psytrance hip hop chillout and found
there are techniques in each that can be applied to the others to make more original mixes

i LOVE djs who can keep me dancin. One that really stood out was at an outdoor party, bout 6am, been up all night, just about ready to drop to the floor n have a smoke when the dj plays a stompin track, an theres me thinkin, "ill sit down after this one" but then the tunes just kept on coming, ones that i LOVED and i was stuck on the dancefloor for the next 2 hours! Jeeze i was knackered! But would LOVE to see him again cos he REALLY knew how to keep us goin!
Elysium said:
which party?

it was a party run by a girl called gemma on her dads farmland in oxenholme in the lakes. I think the guys name was Jambo and hes from down south somewhere. Very modest he is though.
Yep yep, he is indeed from winchester, i remember now - mates with that nutter ian :P and jay, and milly. So who is you elysium? Have we met?!