it's not as good as it used to be

I think that it's totally and utterly wonderful. Nothing except nothing gets my juices flowing faster than very loud psy trance. Over the last year my affair with psy trance has clouded practically everything else in my mind, to the extent that my two favouritest activities are arguing with someone that 'psy trance is better than hard trance, techno, d&b, garage, gabba, r&b fondue and indie' and then eloping with said individual to my room to prove it. Already had to make 6 copies of protoculture for my flat so far :lol:

so feck orf! :P
Psyder{^_^} said:
I think that it's totally and utterly wonderful. Nothing except nothing gets my juices flowing faster than very loud psy trance. Over the last year my affair with psy trance has clouded practically everything else in my mind
This experience clearly crosses the generations ;)

if u dont like what ur hearing ur buying/copying the wrong cds :P
there is plenty of amazing psy out there *putsonhuntingcapsmiley*
i'm fully in agreement with all of you; i just saw a brand new forum with no threads in it, and i couldn't resist a bit of piss taking ;)

funnily enough, on saturday night before we went out to cosmosis we were listening to the oakenfold mix, which was very nice, a trip down memory lane and all... but afterwards when we put on the new pixel album we all agreed that things were a lote better today, you just have to sift through a lot more crap to find it :)
lurk said:
afterwards when we put on the new pixel album we all agreed that things were a lote better today, you just have to sift through a lot more crap to find it :)

People do tend to have a rose tinted view of the past - there was loads of rubbish ten years ago as well - I can remember stacks of dodgy goa cash-in comps that were all pretty rubbish... though they all seemed to have "Mandala Moon" on for some reason...
That's right. People are just remembering the classics.
I think that beacuse there are now so many more artists these days it has meant that there is more shite to sift through. Lots of boring copy/paste fullon nonsense. I'm a chillout freak these days - always been into ambient, although do buy/download the odd psy stuff.

Eagerly awaiting the new Twisted UNS 2 comp. :)
Cant go wrong with a bit of havin' it Acid Tekno though! :P Proper good psychedelic Tekno my son, go on 'av it! :partysmi: After all variety is the spice of life! :bananada:

There is a lot of shite from back in the day though. I have a goa album which says The Best Trance Album Ever..... written on it. Just know you're in for a treat when it says that! :lol:
Psytrance is to dance what pesto is to Pasta.

Or is that tuna?

Imagine if GOA had never kicked off, and that it was in fact the Scilly Isles that had spawned the outdoor psychedelic-electro-dance evolution??

Or P'raps the hanging gardens of Babylaaaan..

Or even Liverpool?

Worse still Israel?


ooooooh, *now is the time *cut's uncertainty**...... whaft, *parp* :o


"Shut the fuck-up you braindead music-haters!"


"Not what it used to be, *gurgle* pop"