Juggley Club


The Puppeteer
Reaction score
<span style='color:red'>Theres the juggley club in the brickyard in carlisle every monday night, tis great, we get to do all manners of circus tricks, poi, staff, unicycling, diablo, juggling, snakeboarding, devil sticking, general spinning things, all whilst eating spaceraiders and balancing your drink on your head at the same time. Got a few dj's who come down, play us some drum n bass, psy trance, techno, etc... Cheap drinks too, 50p vodkas n that.

Personally im really into the poi and staff, learnin quite radpidly at the mo, so should be scheduled for a slump in the learning curve where i go off n try something new! Got me some devil sticks too, but other people tend to use them an i don't get a luck in! Yeah, erm, www.homeofpoi.com are a pretty good site, got my fire staff off them and its sweet. They got an excellent book on poi that a friend of mine has too.

Anyone wanna buy any poi for a tenner a set, im gunna be back on form with making them as soon as my uni work cools off a bit (Steve O, your first in line mate!)

I'll stop babbling now, peace n love

:juggle: </span>