Let Them Eat Static!


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West Country,UK
Just thought i would say hi to all you guys n gals out there...been meaning to stop by here for quite a while now,but always buried in mountains of synths...hope to see some of you over the summer...
we are playing in Israel on April 11th with Infected Mushroom so if its near enough to ya,get yer hair in the air!

Merv (Xenomorph)....Eat Static

Well hello Mr. Merv, glad to see you've decided to say hello! I'm sure I'm not alone when I say your music has been an inspiration to us for many years now... and hopefully for many more to come. Hope you stop by here more often.

PS. Those classic Ozric waterfall arpeggios... please, how? It's been bugging me for years.
I had my blinding revelation and introduction to proper psy at an eat static gig at the Megadog Midi Circus! That was bloody years ago, think I'm showing my age...
And I bought a waldorf microwave because of 'Epsylon' which is still the all time number one chunky psy noodle baker, so its good to have you on (the) board
Hi Colin...hehehe,well the first thing you need to get is a Sequential Circuits Pro-One synth...Ed swears by them...(did you know also,if you take one apart and look deep inside,you will find a stencilled Shiva on the circuit board?)...they are also very easy to sync to a track,using the audio in trigger...then just pile shitloads of echo on top and you are away...you can also transpose the sequences by hitting different keys...one of our fave synths! Anyway,enough secrets given away for one day! I'll charge you for the next one! :rolleyes:
Alternate...thanks....it was about time i looked in... yep,that was a while ago! (93??)...how is the microwave? Never heard one...was considering looking at one a while ago as Waldorf never actually finished the Wave....i still have a few buttons that do nothing and the software was also never finished...still,even for half a synth,it's still a monster!
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Xenomorph @ Mar 31 2004, 07:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Alternate...thanks....it was about time i looked in... yep,that was a while ago! (93??)...how is the microwave? Never heard one...was considering looking at one a while ago as Waldorf never actually finished the Wave....i still have a few buttons that do nothing and the software was also never finished...still,even for half a synth,it's still a monster! [/quote:3f7130d8e1]
93? Pfffft. That makes me feel OLD..

The microwave xt is a fabulous orange monster, sounds like nothing else. Except maybe your WAVE yer jammy dodger
As a synth it makes a fantastic bit of furniture... :unsure:

Nice to see ya Merv...

Darjeelings all round then? [bean-water in mine please...]

</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Xenomorph @ Mar 31 2004, 07:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hi Colin...hehehe,well the first thing you need to get is a Sequential Circuits Pro-One synth...Ed swears by them...(did you know also,if you take one apart and look deep inside,you will find a stencilled Shiva on the circuit board?)...they are also very easy to sync to a track,using the audio in trigger...then just pile shitloads of echo on top and you are away...you can also transpose the sequences by hitting different keys...one of our fave synths! Anyway,enough secrets given away for one day! I'll charge you for the next one! :rolleyes: [/quote:96ad2ad88c]
Excellent confirmation of what I'd already guessed... Cheers mate. Now I've just got the difficult bits to work out... :D See you out and about some time, no doubt!

Ott,...yeah,Darj all round...you know me...i brought my own box with me...there was no way i was gonna put up with that Lipton's shit while i was here...though i have developed quite a taste for strawberry margharita's now! This is the longest i have gone without a smoke in 18 years! will have to make up for it when i return methinks...i believe i saved a luvverly bit of Charaz,though i'm not quite sure where i left it! :no:
Easy there mate... welcome to the forum. Pass the spliff to Merv :smoke:
Hey Merv, good to see you on Psyforum Dude!!! I told you about here ages ago.
Lucky bugger off to play with the Mushi Boys, show them how it's done then init...

How was Mexico, didn't have much luck meeting the dodgy guy then? sounds like your getting a bit strung out there.

I know you said you hadn't been confirmed, even though you were in the listing, but R U going to be playing at Glade Festival then? Cause it looks like Glade Stages have pulled out of Glastonbury Festival... So I don't have any work there and £120 a ticket is stupid. I need a Static Fix over Summer, so please play at Glade Festival!! Hoping for some Static Madness in a field near me soon, Laters Geoff.
Hey Merv, Welcome to the Froum, Glad to see some more local yokels about.

P.S. When are you going to come back and play the Frome Memorial Hall ;) I was there, I think it was 93 / 94 ish, Great night !!!!
and..... If I remember correctly, the support act was Junkwaffle, correct me if I'm wrong. Any Ideas how I can get a hold of some audio from them ?
ooo I feel a bit of an I'm not worthy moment.. (it's Merv from Eat Static don't ya know..) :jump:

but sod it.. :) :P

just wanted to thank you for the numerous blisters on my feet over the years.. every time I have an amazing birthday you guys have figured in it some how.. :D so lucky to have a birthday near to Glasto dates.. got proper fucked up by my mates last year.. you guys were playing on the saturday night round midnight.. turned round to say summat to my mates - tehn realised it had gone 12.. t'was my burpday.. man.. I've never been 'fed' so many 'rugs in quick sucession..

oh god I'm rambling like a star stuck idiot.. :runsmile:

anyway hope ta meet you one day..

Mrs 5 of the 180.. (seen the photos when you played with Paul.)
Wotcher, welcome aboard ;) You've had me hooked on the Static stuff since 'Beast within', classic :)
Shroomy...cheers matey..its been good to spot a few familiar faces and new ones!

Geoff...yeah,been meaning to drop in,but you know how my time is always sucked up...but i'm on holiday for once this week! Have still not located the dodgy Mexican,but have spoken to him on the phone and believe i am seeing him this very night...so looking forward to my eyes wobbling later...plus i am off to see Ozomatli live which should help!
Not sure what the crack is with Glastonbury yet,but have been told we are playing something somewhere there...and we'll probably be doing the Glade festy if it all comes together (you know what these councils are like!)...I'm sure you'll get a fix somehow...we are doing a stint in early June with gigs in Nottingham and Northampton plus the London show on June 10th....will get details on here as soon as i get home...

Hi Pslightly...yes,i actually cant remember playing my local town with Static at all,but people tell me it definitely happened! We will probably do something there again as they have been in touch with me recently...I dont think much audio came out in the end from Junkwaffle which was a shame..there was the 12'' on 'Cup Of Tea' records and the 12'' for Planet Dog...and i think they put a couple of cassettes out which i have copies of somewhere...Its actually the guitarist from that band who is the main man behind the Glade and Avalon stages at Glastonbury festival now so he never gets much time for music these days...plus he is a well establised painter so is always away abroad,usually in Africa...

Stix...hehehehe no problem! Its funny how many people decide to choose us to celebrate their birthdays with...anyone would think we make music to take drugs too!! And i guess you saw us in those freaky frocks then! It had to happen one day...and Joie seemed to want to start wearing them regularly for gigs though i got pretty tired of constantly hoisting my fake tits up! :lol:

Lotus...well,you have a good memory mate! I'd forgotten all about that track! (Shit,was that really 1990?)

Fil...thanks alot! Actually,it seems like there are quite a few musicians and bands here that i would be interested to check out...any demo's/tunes are welcome to be sent to me as i'm always looking for stuff for when i DJ...the weirder the better!

love n vibez

What have you done to it Monkeyman-funny ol' single that I bought at Paradiso once!

<Did you mean InfMashroom has the privilege of playing with Eat Static?>

I think so!

Are you still making trance?


ps sya hi to Benji in Am*dam if he's still there!
Hi Benji..

Of course we still make trance! We just like to diversify now and then,probably more so when we do lp's...but the live set is still out n out banging trance/acid tech stuff...Been doing various one off tunes for different labels over the past couple of years,including TIP,Twisted,BNE and Solstice...and we're about to start the 10th studio lp..