Logic 5.5 - HELP!


MerKaBa Technologist
Reaction score
Jersey, UK
Easy all (c:

Here's the deal, I'm trying to setup Logic on my new laptop but having one major problem. I cant seem to get Logic to use the VST's that it installs. Now there is nothing in my VstPlugins Folder (I am using 5.5.0 at the mo) and logic will not show any of the VST's it normally does (like ES1) when you go to assign one to one of the AudioInstrument channels.

I have tried reinstalling on my old laptop and it still has the same problem! Im pretty certain I have used this install before with the normal outcome but I just cant figure out why its doing what its doing now?

Anyone know how to make my VST's install and work? Pweeeeaassee?

Love n Light
any vst instruments / plug-ins will need to re-installed into the

C:\programs\e-magic\logic\vst plug-ins folder .......

If you are using a cracked version of 5.5 there may be some procedure for unlocking the sythns etc within logic. ( es1 etc ). Check the readme files in the directory's ( cd ? ) you installed logic from ......
Also, you need to set your soundcard up before it will let you use any of the features.

What soundcard are you using? If it's just the internal one, I think you just need to check 'PC AV' in the 'Audio Drivers' tab. If you're using an external one, you'll need to uncheck 'PC AV' and check 'ASIO' in the Audio Drivers 2 tab.

Similar issue discussed here.

Hope this helps,

*or* get the ASIO4All driver and use that... *highly* recommended, though it uses a bit more CPU than the standard EASI DirectSound driver.

I've tried installed the ASIO4all drivers with no luck. Tried reinstalling many times with no luck. Tried on two machines with no luck. Do i need another install or is there something im not doing right here?
I've tried many, and combinations. I can get to the AudioInst bit fine it just none of the synths are there )c: just the standard fx and reverb etc.
And what sound card are you using? "AudioInst" appearing, but no instruments being selectable is usually caused by incorrect sound card selection.

I had this. Randomly around 2/3rds of my installed plugs would just disappear from Logic. Reinstalling the plugs sometimes helped, usually not, and in any case they would soon disappear again.
Other than that, it worked perfectly, nothing to do with soundcards.

Sadly I never found a solution, and moved over to cubaseSX2 which is still working perfectly for me :)
I have tried through my normal sound card on 1 (PC AV) plus the Asio4All on the same laptop. Then on my other laptop i tried all of the options in turn using the ASIO driver that came with my Final SCratch 2 for the ASIO one. Still all hidding )c:
Yeah here it is (c: The clock is normaly set its just i didnt have FS plugged in when i took the grabs. Cheers for ya help!

Love N Light

P.S. The VST's (standard install ones) dont show up in the plugin enabler, or the VST Plugins folder, is that normal (for when they are visible and functioning within logic)?


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I don't know if maybe something went wrong in the first install etempt but if it did maybe a regcleaner might help
http://www.majorgeeks.com/download460.html or
uninstall logic and then clean the reg of emagic stuff and then reinstal logic. I could ofcourse be very wong so if anyone else thinks that this might not be the thing to do then please tell me I'm wrong. Also the Logic vst are in the Res folder in logic I think and not the vst folder which is for third party vst's.....I think. Sp looking in there wont tell you anything.
Best of luck.
Hey all!

I finally got it all working! Seemed to be luck of the draw!

Thanks for all those that offered there advice, your help was greatly appreciated (c:

Love N light All!!