Mac vs PC


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south west
I would completely agree with the pro PC lobby (i've got about 4.5 music PCs on the go) bout everything, except that an opertunity appeared and this week i bit the bullet and bought a 800mhz g4 and now i finally realise...
MACS RULE LOTS! its an amazing conversion from an old apple hater who loathed every hour being forced into using them at university.
The operating systems are nicer and easier (not that XP is too hard its just no way near as good) and i've been with Bill since MS-DOS 2.0 and used to think that was the fun bit.
The 800mhz mac feels like its going a lot faster than the PCs going upto 3 times the processing speed and the GUI is nicer. You can get free programs that make XP look nice but they do eat up power

I think i was subconciously gealous of people with their more expensive more stylish machines and always put them down on the little points, but my view has drasticaly swung to a Pro Mac lobbyist they are the best for pro audio, n people are just gonna have to stop stealing and pay for their software. Microsoft will win the world battle but mac will win the professionals war............

smiles & love :peace:
For the price of a Mac I could build a more powerful PC and then buy some softsynths with the leftover cash. Now while you dick around with iGimmick I'll get to making some records.

Having been, for many years, a dedicated petrol driven rotary mower user, I recently had the opportunity to use a very basic push-pull cylinder mower.

My eyes was opened. THEY RULE!

But really... who gives a toss? Y'unnerstan' what I'm sayin'? ;)
Macs are cheaper than u think! especially second hand g4's now the g5's are out (i do think they r still a bit pricey/pointless until someone writes some 64 software) and i would tend to trust a used mac over a used custom build pc just because their hardware is standardized. plus macs are more upgrade friendly, you can turn a crap 733mhz g4 into a dual 2ghz processor with a simple board plug in if u need to. (and think how fast 2 * 2ghz RISC will go), i'd need a shiny new expensive mo/bo etc. to get that on any my Pc's

can u build a PC for £400? (thats what g4's are going for second hand nowadays. by the time you've got XP (paid for!) and a worthwhile interface your skint)

not a good one.... :jump: i've built hundreds of pc's over the years as a freelance PC engineer and all my worthwhile systems were at least a £800-1000 (expensive u say! but i believe in only using top quality components + mounting in rack cases).

My view is slighly tainted in that my new mac is a Scope system with 28 dsp cores and i cant stop laughing/screaming how much better it is than anything else i've seen (including pro tools!!), i just want people to know luvly they are and a very viable second hand purchase (look for Pulsar 2's i got them for £300 each) and a lot of the software is free. The quality of their algorythms is way above that of any software, mainly because the calculation are performed on the same DSP cores as in the real outboard hardware.

I will always continue to love and use my PC, especially as the new wave of soft synths have much better sound quality and filter algorythms (almost approaching the good hardware). but i still hate blue screens and random hard drive erasing!

i thought that as a recent conversion from mac hater to mac lover i should let peeps know that they are LOTS cheaper than they think!! :huh: :huh: :huh:

i didn't intend to instigate the old battle of mines better than yours, just wanted to try and dispell some myths. If people dont want to pay any attention to me thats totally cool (i think i'm quite well informed with a music systems engineering degree and a full time job selling pro-audio equiptment),but surely we should be allowed to post what we think on a discussion forum without being politely told that no-one gives a toss.

ps. tractor mowers are the best. ;)
oaf said:
but surely we should be allowed to post what we think on a discussion forum without being politely told that no-one gives a toss.


But hey, at least I was polite. :D
Well manners and politeness cost nothing. :)

You'll notice I didn't actually say that no-one gives a toss. I was merely asking who did give a toss.

So far no-one has responded to say that they do.

OK, OK, I'm gonna step up to this one.

*hangs head in shame*
I'm one of Bills minions... there... I admit it. I have to feed my babies somehow, and, well, better the devil you know I think... :sad:

Anyway, I did have a vague wondering about the costs of putting a production Mac together, which this thread has gone some way to answering. I've put together a scratchbuilt P4, serial ATA drives, monsta-muvvaboard 'n 2 Gb of RAM, yadda, yadda, yadda. The upshot is, I *know* how much a PC costs, and sure, there'll be someone who sprouts up & shouts, "Well, I've got Logic running on my P75, which I picked up in a car boot sale...etc", but as I work with these frikkin' things day in & day out, I *know* how to put one together so that I don't have to dick about with it once I've put the sides on...period.

As for OS, software, etc, as a Certified Partner, we get all of the s/w that you could wave a reasonably large stick at, to play with, under our licensing agreements, which was also a factor in my decision.

Still not sure I'd give a toss for the info though, but I did find it mildly insightfull. And having watched Hawkwind, SunFish and nearly Banco de Gaia dissolve on stage due to their Macs misbehaving, I'd say it was even stevens tbh.

So come on peeps, let's not have a "high volume discussion" as to which is black & which is white, it's all shades of grey, unless you use Persil anyway.

To quote :bananada:-rama "It ain't what you, it's the way that you do it."

oaf said:
The 800mhz mac feels like its going a lot faster than the PCs going upto 3 times the processing speed

See how it feels in a couple of months - No matter what they tell you, OSX is just as prone to resource bloat as XP. Reformat and reinstall 2k/XP on an 800MHz Athlon and you'd have pretty even performance between the two, believe me.

and the GUI is nicer.

Personal taste - I have *always* found MacOS (have used System 6 onwards) counter-intuitive - even with a proper three-button mouse, the interface still feels like it was designed for a five-year-old - I don't appreciate being forced into use paradigms by the OS, and Apple has always had that condescending 'our way is the right way and you're wrong if you think otherwise' approach to interface design ('Instructions on exactly how to "Think Different" can be found at our website,').

You can get free programs that make XP look nice but they do eat up power

Couldn't give a toss about how it looks as long as it works, and in that regard, XP and OSX are a pretty even match (Don't even get me *started* on the abortion that was OS9!).

Anyway, we've done all this crap before, and the consensus was that it's horses for courses. Try both out and see which fits your personal needs the best. My personal stand is that as soon as a decent sequencer appears for Linux, I'm there like a bear, but I get the feeling I'm going to be waiting a while. Till then XP is stable enough for my needs.

J, must get together this weekend for Post-Boom tuneage ;)
Cool, will be back in London town on Friday. Btw, Ocelot's music is full power night time, I think you will like ;) And he's made it on a laptop....... :sun: :smokingr: :partysmi:
full_lotus said:
...Ocelot's music is full power night time, I think you will like ;) And he's made it on a laptop.......

PC or MAC? :P