Maximalist dancey trance for you - Gong Ho

vight then :D

I had alisten to your stuff.

I love the very start... shocking to say the least.

There are some nice rythmically games, especially after the dreakdown. Nice to see that you aren't just going for the bmm-tss-brch-tss-bmm-tss-brch-tss effect.

I reckon though that you need to put away that 303. All the patterns used in the melody are nice, but you are kaning them to much. Variation would be good!

Apart from that, the production is getting there, and the rythmical components especially, (exc. kick) show real promise.

Hope this helps. Keep up the good work!
Speakafreaka said:
I reckon though that you need to put away that 303. All the patterns used in the melody are nice, but you are kaning them to much. Variation would be good!

Ha! You're probably right and in fact I think I will try to use more organic instruments, guitar, flute, etc instead for leads in the future. More musicianship is what is what is required. :)

Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. :drinking:

Going, going, gong!

Needed the space, will post better psy soon.
