I wouldn't say it was cheating, it's just progress. When a new technology comes along, esecially within an art form, people are going to be suspicious about it, and claim that it's the machines doing the work, and not the artist.
Look at Pink Floyd. They pioneered the use of synthisors and other effects in their music, and at the time, they got some stick from people in the music biz saying that it's the machines doing all the hard work.
Now that that technology is widley used and accepted, I don't think anyone would make such a claim.
Also consider CGI Verses paint and cell animation...
With MP3, the technology is allowing people to do more with the music, but without a huge increase in the effort needed to produce it.
But I think there is another point here as well.
The technology also makes the medium far more accessable, and I am a case in point.
I've been into dance music for more than ten years, and have always thought of learning to DJ. Loads of mates,can mix, most of them very well, because they have been doing it for ages.
I however, could never really be that bothered to learn, and put in the hours of practice needed, so I can't mix vinyl.
After a couple of days, I had the hang of it, and a couple of weeks, found that I could do it reasonably well. Now I have a tonne of music on MP3 anyway, and If I want to, I can mix it together.
I could quite see the point of view from someone who has laboured long and hard to hone his DJing skills, look down upon me as a talentless DJ-come-lately ( which of course, I am ! ), and perhaps resent the technology for making DJing accessable to all and sundried, and not just the elite vinaylists. They would call it cheating because I can do easily some thing that only came hard to them.
Not being a DJ though, I can only speculate!
Monkey Do - What software do you use?
I have used mainly the PCDJ suites, and another ( can't remember what it was called ).
Anyone else used MP3 mixers, or fancy having a go?