New kid


the dreamer
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Well, finally got my arse into gear and got myself joined, told you i would at some point ;)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhnyway, usual mid-20's counter-cultered 9 to 5 monday friday kinda guy, design, marketing, work live and breath in manchester, have to escape to fields sometimes, often warehouses, but mostly fields.

Figured i should say hey ;)

High osiris :welcome: to the party zone :bananada:

new to this meself :D mancman to another manc :wizard1:

U goin to Glade bro? :cool:

Take it easy! Jake :smokingr:
Jakegreen said:
U goin to Glade bro? :cool:

Nah can't get down to it, well i couldn't - i found out that i could have got a lift the day after the tickets sold out, gutted eh.

It's the south manchester parties i'm wanting, gotten kinda bored of festivals :S
Hey hey!

Yay a fellow mancunian! Slowly slowly the mancs come out of the woodwork...


Heva x
Hi Osiris & :welcome: , pull up a :shrooms: & let's :party2:

:wizard1: Thanks for joining, we need more friendly peeps here! Have fun! :wizard1:

Well i'll certainly try at being friendly ;)

Not sure how much i'll be able to get on here mind, bit busy at work and stuff's at the moment, but you'll see me about no doubt.

If nothing else, at the parties round manc' ;)