New Virus TI

It does indeed look interesting. Neat idea for integration.

However, am I the only one who doesn't find the entire Virus line very interesting? I guess I just never saw what everyone else did in the virus. It sounds pretty standard to me, not to mention being used by virtually everyone.
Reconstructed said:
It does indeed look interesting. Neat idea for integration.

However, am I the only one who doesn't find the entire Virus line very interesting? I guess I just never saw what everyone else did in the virus. It sounds pretty standard to me, not to mention being used by virtually everyone.
You're not alone. I had a Virus B and got rid of it. It's sound was quite plastik and boring.
Replaced it with a midied Juno 60 and another Lexicon reverb unit and I am much happier now.
The intergration technology is nice and apparently it can be used as a soundcard as well, which sort of justifies the cash if you are a newbie and have no soundcard, no effects...nothing else besides a computer.
The most interesting thing for me is the tightness in midi sequencing and the wavetable oscillator, especially if it lets you upload your own wavetables.
They could come up with a new redesigned oscillator and a new multimode filter as the old oscillator and filters are shite...imho always.
But still, the TI desktop costs as much as a Nord Modular G2 keyboard or 2xG" Engines. And having had both a Virus B and a Nord Lead in my studio, I much preffer the Nord sound + the Nord Modular is light years ahead in terms of flexibilty and versatility.

Wonder if they will release that VST plugin for the Virus C as well. Its more or less the same engine. Shouldn't be too much of an effort to have it control a Virus C.
I prefer the sound of my Nord Lead 3 too as it goes. Partly why I sold my Virus B and am currently using the powercore virus.