Nine Inch Nails

Downward Spiral, whole album. But if pressed I'd pick Ruiner.
Huge fan, been listening to them a lot ever since I first picked up PHM.

Downward Spiral is of course my favorite as with most other NIN fans.
The Becoming is probably my favorite track on it. 7/8 6/8 alternating time is fun.

Beauty from ugliness...
Hope you've all got some tickets for the London gig!!!

Fav track 'The Great Below'

Hard to choose a few tracks, its all good. 'Closer to God' off Closer single is mighty good also.
Suess you're so late.

If you'd been signed up to the mailing list you'd of received a pre-sale fans only link. They sold out in 15 minutes. They then went on sale to general public and they sold out in bout 5 minutes.
Pretty much the only way to get tickets now is off ebay. Bout 70 pairs of tickets on there. But they don't come cheap. Ranging from £250 - £400

Gig is on 30th and 31st March at London Astoria.

New album 'With Teeth' should be surfacing around mid-late March.

Anything else you want to know??
XSpeel said:
Suess you're so late.

If you'd been signed up to the mailing list you'd of received a pre-sale fans only link. They sold out in 15 minutes. They then went on sale to general public and they sold out in bout 5 minutes.
Pretty much the only way to get tickets now is off ebay. Bout 70 pairs of tickets on there. But they don't come cheap. Ranging from £250 - £400

Gig is on 30th and 31st March at London Astoria.

New album 'With Teeth' should be surfacing around mid-late March.

Anything else you want to know??

i gave up checking the nin site cuz i got bored of waiting and i can't believe i fucking missed this!
i signed up to the list far too late :(

£400 sounds excessive. hell, we could fly & see them at coachella for that :D

gutted... i know they said something on the site about announcing future dates.

damn and blast!!!!!!!! :sad:
loved Pretty Hate Machine many moon ago, havent heard it for looooooong time. 'Terrible Lie' is amazing .. as is 'Something I Can Never Have' (from Natural Born Killers is i remembers) .. Broken and Fixed where great too .. Fixed i remember being blown away by, quite twisted! Didnt have Downward Spiral buit had singles 'March of the Pigs' (brilliant!) and Closer ..
genious music .. have to have a lookie in a few boxes me thinks !


So, what do you think about the leaked tracks off the new album?

I saw them down in London Thursday gone. What an amazing gig that was. Raw and full of power. NIN have not lost anything in the 5 year gap. The Hand That Feeds is such a good new song.

Roll on July
Trent Reznor = Musical Genius in my opinion.

My favourite NIN album differs from year to year but at the moment I'm coming down on the side of The Fragile. Double albums are notoriously difficult to pull off but I reckon he achieved it with this one....& then some. It's all the best aspects of his work rolled into a mind-warping 2 hours.
I remember I got it the day it came out, went home, put on some headphones & listened to it from start to finish. Was an emotional wreck afterwards!

Ooooohhhhhh, could eulogise about NIN for hours, so I'd best ring off before I do just that....

One final thought though : it always makes me chuckle when certain people who stubbornly refuse to listen to electronic music (or "dance shite" as they more often than not call it) then say how much they love Nine Inch Nails..............
NIN on CD:UK, I watched it too. Trent in a WHITE shirt!! There was the black clad NIN collective at the front of the stage and then just a bunch of teenybobbers wondering what to make of it all. Was pretty funny. It's bringing the sound of NIN to the masses though so it's all good.

They even wandered off stage before the presenters could give them an applause and try to say something funny and cool. I read that someone greeted them outside the recording place of CD:UK, first thing Trent said was 'well that was weird!' :)
Nin on cduk?? what?! that must've been odd. can i get this from the inet anyway?
er got a spare ticket for brixton show if anyones interested
yeah i really wanted to check em out, been one of my favorite bands for years
favorite tracks- march of the pigs, something i can never have, pilgramage, the great below, hurt, we're in this together now, wish, etc... i like all his synthy stuff and the dark, almost euphoricly sinister tracks
did anyone else hear that maynard james keening has gone religious and quit Tool and one of my favorite bands A Perfect Circle? someone tell me this isnt true!