The Osho Tarot's been my prefered choice of Tarot since i was 13, and recently it's become much more of a tool for self discovery and meditation. You'll find it all up on the same website, i recommend "Tarot in the spirit of Zen - The Game Of Life" as companion reading to go with the deck for those who are new to tarot, that and "its a tool to read your conscious and un-conscious, not a way to predict the future", words to live by.
I've been keen to head off to Mumbai for the 3 month resident program, but i'm not keen on all that travel to find something i can find here. There is a similar place, all be it much smaller, here in the UK, Osho Leela in Dorset. However lots of read of various osho texts has brought me to a point where classical meditation is of very little use when you've begun to look on everything as a possible meditation. Now trying to explore some different ways, mainly the more active and physical meditations.
Dont get me wrong either, his writings have taught me to dispell most of the accepted dogma regarding zen, dont actually think of him as a character who thought that way, which he wasn't. Just dont beleive that being spiritual means being religious, and i think a lot of thats down to his writings and the way i've been living lately, or rather been trying to.